- It was at the time of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. 那是1919年“五四运动”。
- Since the May Fourth Movement, fewer and fewer people create traditional poems. 五四以来,从事旧体诗创作的文人越来越少。
- The May Fourth Movement against imperialism and feudalism broke out in Beijing in1919. 反帝反封建的五四运动于一九一九年在北京爆发。
- The May Fourth Movement against imperialism and feudalism broke out in Beijing in 1919. 反帝反封建的五四运动于一九一九年在北京爆发。
- Chastity of women was still a very important problem after the May Fourth Movement. 贞节问题在后五四时期仍然是一个很突出的问题。
- The famous anti-feudal and anti-imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919. 著名的反帝反封建的五四运动于1919年在北京爆发。
- Sentimentality was the spiritual birthmark of the new literature of the May Fourth Movement Period. 摘要感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。
- Therefor, We Should highilight Chen Duxiu on the Soulpture in memory of May Fourth Movement. 因此,在纪念五四运动的雕塑中,应该把陈独秀放在非常显著的位置。
- In the May Fourth Movement, enlighted young people carried the burden of saving the country. 五四时期,进步青年担当起了救亡图存的重任。
- As stated earlier, insistence on "literal translation" after the May Fourth Movement was in opposition to distortions of the original text. 照上文说来,“五四”以后的“直译”主张就是反对歪曲了原文。
- After waging a long-term struggle against all conservative ideas, the pioneers of May Fourth movement greeted the dawn of New Literature finally. 在同各种保守、落后思潮与论调进行了持久、激烈的斗争之后,五四新文化运动的先驱们迎来了新文学的曙光。
- In the May Fourth Movement literature with many famous novelists, Yu Dafu's novel is themost inner-inclining existence which has the most humanity. 在群星璀璨的五四文学中,郁达夫的小说是最为人性、最具内倾性的存在。
- Vera.Schwarza,THE CHINESE ENLIGHTENMENT,Intellectuals and the Legacy of the May Fourth Movement of 1919.University of California Press,Berkeley and Los Angeles,California,1986. 雷颐.中国现代史上的张申府.北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1998(2).
- The main content of chapter two is that both Li Zhi and Literature of the May Fourth Movement aspired after the individuality liberated and the literature freeness expressed. 首先论述李贽与五四新文学在文学自由观上的相通之处,二者都追求人的个性解放与文学的自由表达。
- The new poetry in the period of the May Fourth Movement is in its primary stage and it is the transitional period of the establishment of the style of the new poetry. 五四时期是新诗的草创时期,是新诗的文体建设由自发向自觉转变的过渡期。
- Incontestable, Literature of the May Fourth Movement was different from traditional culture for adopting overseas cultural factors.But it can’t be dissevered from tradition. 毫无疑问,新文学运动借鉴与吸收了国外的文化,与传统有许多不同之处,但是我们并不能因此把五四新文学与传统文学割裂。
- This dissertation explores widely the intellectual relationship between the May Fourth Neo-literature, the May Fourth Movement and the May Thirtieth Movement from several aspects. 本文就五四新文学与五四运动及五卅运动在思想上的关系从几个方面进行了探讨,指出:五四新文学对五四政治运动起了思想启蒙的先导作用;
- Lu Xun's works exerted a very substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement to such a point that he was lionized by the Communist regime after 1949. 鲁迅的作品在五四运动有着非常重大的影响,这一点使他在新中国成立之后被誉为一代文豪。
- In the period of "May Fourth Movement" Hu Shi's poetic concepts and writings are the origin of New Poetry of China, but his poetic theory and practice are related with Ezra Pound and Imagism. “五四”时期胡适的诗学主张与创作正是中国新诗潮流的起源,而他的诸多诗学理论却是受到了庞德及意想派的影响。