- May involve the teat canal 会感染乳头管
- Lymphomas may involve the marrow and the blood in some cases. 在一些病例中淋巴瘤可能累及骨髓和血液。
- The Seller will promptly inform the Buyer of any claim which may involve the product liability of the Buyer. 卖方应即时将可能涉及买方产品责任的索赔通知买方。
- The former is contained in a sentence and the latter may involve the whole song or relatively independent stanzas. 前者是指一个局部句式,后者则是一部作品的全部或相对独立的段所涉及的整体构思。
- Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or receiving it from sellers. 这样的交易可能涉及到向可能或实际购买方披露个人信息,或者从卖方收到个人信息。
- The activity of DNA repair enzyme reduction may involve the mechanism of apoptotic neuron death after ischemia/reperfusion. (2)大鼠脑缺血/再灌注后缺血区神经元凋亡与神经元DNA修复酶活性下降有关。
- Mixed tumors of the skin are most commonly located on the head and neck and may involve the face and eyelid but it is rare in the eyelid. 摘要皮肤上的混合性肿瘤主要是好发于头颈部、发生在眼脸上则是相当的少见。
- Conclusion:VEGF protein have a high level expression in atherosclerotic plaques and may involve the pathogenesis and progression of atherosclerosis. 结论:动脉粥样硬化斑块中VEGF表达增加,并可能参与动脉粥样硬化发生和发展的病理过程。
- It may involve the creation of tables, charts, histograms, etc., each of which should have an appropriate title or heading. 它应包含制作的表格、图标、柱状图等等,每个图都应有一个适当的标题。
- We'll put their name to the teat. 我们要考验下他们的名字。
- The process may involve the use of molten sodium cyanide mixtures;pack carburizing with activated solid material such as charcoal or coke, gas or oil carburizing, and dry cyaniding. 工艺可能涉及到熔化的氰化钠混合物,带有活性固体物质如活性炭、焦炭等的固体渗碳,气体或油性渗碳剂,还有干法氰化。
- Yesterday, Jackson said Los Angeles police officers, even in regard to murder can not be progress, but Miura may involve the crime of conspiracy, the Los Angeles Police confidently. 昨天,洛杉矶警官杰克森表示,即使在杀人罪方面无法获得进展,但对于三浦可能涉及共谋罪方面,洛杉矶警方颇有信心。
- The reason may involve growth hormones fed to cows. 原因可能与给奶牛用生长激素有关。
- Mess1 might involve the signal transduction on the interaction with proteins with SH2 domains. MESS1可能通过与含有SH2功能区的蛋白质相互作用参与细胞内信号转导.
- The sorption amounts of IHP on neutral and alkaline soils were extremely high and might involve the precipitation of calcium-IHP. IHP在中性与碱性土壤中的吸附量极高,可能与IHP与钙发生沉淀有关。
- An effort to develop a new method might involve the use of a tunable laser to increase the specificity and sensitivity of a spectrometric method. 努力研发新方法时将会使用调谐激光器,以增大光谱法的特异性和灵敏度。
- Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat. 感觉神经末梢是在乳头上。
- Such real-world Problems might involve the encryption of large amounts of military information,or they might inv0lve some combination of silicon and DNA computing. 此类现实世界中的问题可能会涉及大量军事信息的加密,或者关系到硅运算技术和DNA运算技术在某种程度上的结合。
- Such real-world Problems might involve the encryption of large amounts of military information, or they might inv0lve some combination of silicon and DNA computing. 此类现实世界中的问题可能会涉及大量军事信息的加密,或者关系到硅运算技术和DNA运算技术在某种程度上的结合。
- Although it may involve any organ, Wegener's granulomatosis predominantly involves the upper and lower respiratory tracts together with glomerulonephritis. 虽然此病也可能影响到其他器官,但主要仍以上下呼吸道及肾丝珠肾炎为主。