- And maybe I should give you the chance as well. 也许我也该给你一个机会。
- Maybe I should give you an ice bag to soothe the burning. 也许我应该给你一个冰袋来缓解烧伤之痛。
- Joanne: I'm defeated. I should give up right now. 我完全崩溃(被击败)。我该现在就放弃。
- A: I know I should give up smoking, but easier said than done. 我知道应该戒烟,但说起来容易做起来难。
- Maybe I Should Give Up 也许,我该放弃
- No. I mean, do you think I should give up and go into business with my father? 不,我是说,你看我是不是该放弃绘画,跟我父亲去经商?
- Too slow. Our agreement has expired. You lack courage to act. Maybe I should give my gifts to your enemies. 太迟了,我们的约定过期了。你缺少行动的勇气。或许我该把我的赏赐给予你的敌人。
- Snow, is still floating, every time my friend advised that I should give up but not , because I believed I could get this love that I put into the most introjection. 雪,依然在飘,每次朋友劝我放手时我总是执着,因为我相信我能获得这份我最投入的爱情。
- When I tested the sweets and bitters of a life, I know what I should keep, what I should insist on, what I should give up, what I should treasure. 当我们尝尽生活中的千滋百味,我们知道什么应该保留,什么应该放弃,什么应该坚持,什么应该珍惜。
- Sunday, the last day for preparing my most important interview which takes place the monday, I should give up going out visiting London with my dear camera and I should study! 星期一就是我此生中最为重要的面试的日子,这个星期天我必须要学习,不能像往常一样带着心爱的相机出去观赏伦敦美景了。
- I feel that I should give place to a younger man. 我认为我应该让位给年青人了。
- I am out of shape. Maybe I should start exercising. 我的身体差,可能需要开始锻炼了。
- Maybe I should have fought back. 也许我本来应该进行反击。
- Maybe I should tell him to knock it off. 也许我该让他到此为止。
- Maybe I should have just stayed home after all. 也许我就应该待在家里。
- Maybe I shouldn't apply to a prestigious school? 也许我不应该申请名校是吧?
- Maybe I shouldn't try to be too trendy. 也许我不该太赶时髦。
- Maybe these cowboys should give up their skis and keep their boots on. 也许这些牛仔们该扔掉滑雪板,仅穿着靴子就好了。
- That must be a lot of fun. Maybe I should try it. 那一定很有乐趣,也许我应该试一试。
- So I think human beings should give up the name "lanet". 大伙儿认为行星重新定位的最好结果是什么?