- Meaning of Words in Context 语境与语义研究
- What is the meaning of the word in this context? 在这种语境下,这个单词的意思是什么?
- Students need a great deal of practice to find the intended meaning of words in a particular context, using monolingual dictionaries. 学习者需要经过大量的练习,来学习如何利用单语字典把握一个词在特殊语境下的特殊含义。
- Choice and use of words in speech or writing. 措词讲话或书写中,对词的使用或选择
- Typicality means that when extracting the core semantic features of words, we just examine the stable and typical uses of the words, and exclude the temporary and special uses of the words in context. 所谓典型性,指在提取词汇核心义征时,只考察词义相对稳定的典型用法,对词语在上下文中表现出的临时意义和特殊用法则忽略不计。
- Guess the meaning of the new words in a right way. 词义猜测的原则。
- On Guessing the Meaning of Words in the Context 浅析利用语境线索猜测词义
- We can infer the meaning of the word in the context. 我们可以从上下文中推断这个词的含义。
- Translate v. Give the meaning of words in another language If you compare the translation with the original, you will find the inaccuracy. 如果你把译文和原文比较一下,你就会找到不准确的地方。
- Guess general meanings of words from the context. 根据上下文猜词义。
- The number of words in the Gettysburg Address. 亚伯拉罕.林肯的盖茨堡演讲词共有266个单词。
- Henning's results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, while advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory. 亨宁博士的研究结果表明初学者在短期记忆里记住单词的发音,高级学生在短期记忆里记住单词的意思。
- We express our thought by means of words. 我们用词句来表达思想。
- A dictionary explains the meaning of words. 词典是解释词义的工具书.
- Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 思想是用(通过)言语表达的。
- This article takes the analysis of original meaning of words as the main branch and reveals the relationship between some representative words in the semantic field of beauty and Chinese traditional aesthetics. 以字源义的分析为切入口,揭示了美义场中某些有代表意义的字所反映的中国传统审美观念:秀、、表现出对自然、真的肯定;美、、、和丰、、从两个方面表现出人类对于旺盛生命的赞美;善、、、,臧、和婉分别从三个角度表现了特定宗法制度下人们的审美观点。
- This book explains the meaning of words. 这本书是讲解词义的。
- The arrangement of words in a dictionary is by alphabetical order. 字典内的单字是按照字母的次序排列的。
- This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in. 本词典提供词义解释,并举例说明遣词造句的方法。
- Pragmatics: is the study of meaning in context. 语用学:在语境中研究意义。