- Resonating on the Void How far are Chinese Arts from New Media Art? 中国艺术距离新媒体艺术有多远?
- Collections include paintings, sculpture, media arts, and photography. 收藏品包括油画、雕刻、媒体艺术和相片。
- This program curated by the Japan Media Arts Festival showcases a cross-section of artistic productions from recent years. 该项目由日本媒体艺术节策划,向人们展示近几年艺术作品的方方面面。
- A new year, 2005 Beijing international new media arts and exhibition will be hold on July. We change the dynamic logo last year and make it more mysterious and colo. 2005北京国际新媒体艺术展在六月举行,为此次盛会设计的动态识别标志。
- The International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) is a component of the vast high-tech infrastructure built during the past decade in Gifu Prefecture in central Japan. 国际媒体艺术与科学学院(IAMAS)在过去十年中是日本中部崎阜区发展高科技产业的基础。
- At MIT, the phrase Media Arts and Sciences signifies the study, invention and creative use of enabling technologies for understanding and expression by people and machines. 在麻省理工学院中,媒体艺术与科学专精于研究、发明和创意运用能增进人类与机械之间表达和理解的科技。
- The first solo exhibition is a courageous attempt to break down the “conventional” understanding of artwork and new media art in China. 第一次个展是一次大胆的尝试,它力图打破对中国的艺术作品和中国新媒体的“惯常”理解。
- Media Art and New Media Art ranges from a McLuhan-esque view that the medium affects the message, to an explicit interest in new media technologies. 媒体艺术和新媒体艺术则涵盖了从麦克卢恩关于媒介影响信息的观点到任何一种对新媒体明显的兴趣的方方面面。
- Dean, professor of Art and Design College at Beihang University. Member of China Artists Association. He is now engaged in painting creation, teaching and new media art research. 北京航空航天大学艺术与设计学院院长、教授。中国美术家协会会员。现主要从事绘画创作、教学及新媒体艺术研究。
- People get used to defining the cultural identity of new media art according to Benjamin's mechanical duplication theory and Adorno's cultural industrial theory. 人们习惯于用本雅明的机械复制理论和阿多诺的文化工业理论定位新媒体艺术的文化身份。
- In its simplest form, the field of Media Arts and Sciences can be thought of as exploring the technical, cognitive and aesthetic bases of satisfying human interaction as mediated by technology. 媒体艺术与科学最简单的模式可以被描述成从技术面、认知面和审美观来探究如何透过科技满足人类的互动需求。
- As technology pushes forward by the day, its development is deeply intertwined with the concepts and forms of media arts;at the same time, it has inconspicuously marched straight into our daily lives. 科技日益千里,其发展紧密地连系著新媒体艺术的形式及概念,同时人们亦活在虚拟的社区中,游走于城市与生活空间之间,被科技全方位包裹著。
- Established in2004, the BluePhoenix New Media Arts, whose antecedent is the BluePhoenix Creative Studio, is a team, who combines art designs, originality creativities, technologies and implement. 青鸟新媒体艺术(身为青鸟创意工作室,2004扩大成立青鸟新媒体艺术有限公司)一结合艺术创意与技术、计与执行的团队。
- In order to perceived a synoptic effect of mind concern on subject of“ Electronic Music Patten”, I had choose specific questions in addressing of contemporary media art and the relationship to“ Sound Art” which often discussed as continuer. 有关电子音乐图像与当代艺术的关系,或多或少都曾被讨论著,一个概要的观点出发,试著与声音艺术家和他们生活层面的连结寻线,采样文字片段,访谈的叙述多以第一人称为主。
- This study will analyse the concept of interactivity in contemporary art, bringing together the inspirational, the creative and the aesthetic components of the form, by investigating the concept of new media art. 从本文的研究中,将从艺术中的进戏观念与脉络出发,进而分析新媒体艺术以互动式创作呈现时所产生的创作思考和美学观点。
- Accompany with the fast development of technology, new media of art emerge in endlessly. Accompany with the development of new material, new viewpoint, the new media art emerge as the times require. 伴随着人类科学技术的飞速发展,新的艺术媒介层出不穷,随着新材料、新观点的介入,新媒体艺术应运而生。
- The New Media Art Exhibition of Qiu Zhijie and Jin Jiangbo is held against this academic paradigm shift with a new type of art planning to respect the cultural authority of the general public and to stimulate more interactions with the viewers,. 邱志杰金江波新媒体艺术展就是在这样的学术背景下应运而生的、以尊重公众文化权力为原则、加强观众互动为方式的一次新型艺术策划的尝试。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- In the contemporary China, in which artistic assets are gradually replacing aesthetical standards, is there any contemplable “by-stroke” existing beyond POP Art, Concept Art, and New Media Art? 在艺术资本日渐取代审美标准的中国当代,在波普艺术、观念艺术和新媒体艺术之外,到底有没有一种具有潜质的有一定思考深度的“偏锋”存在?
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。