- Medical Logistics Company 医疗后勤连
- Freight logistics company to provide the basis, we do not charge extra for ... 运费以物流公司提供的为准,我们不收取额外费用...
- The NOL Group is an integrated global cargo transportation and logistics company. 海皇轮船集团是一家综合性运输及物流跨国企业。
- This text has summarized the current research situations of medical logistics, TPL and logistics network of our country. 本文总结了我国医药物流、第三方物流及物流网络的研究现状;
- Separate office area; customize headquarters bases for each large aviation logistics company. 独立办公楼区,为各大航空物流公司量身定制总部基地。
- As a logistics company in the new times, the electronic commerce network is an important component of our company. 做为新一代的货运代理公司,电子商务网络是我公司一个重要的的组成部分。
- Changzhou far east YaoBang logistics Co., LTD.! Responsible for your brand! A understand you of logistics company! 常州市远东耀邦物流有限公司!对您的品牌负责!一个懂你的物流公司!!
- Imagine you are a transport logistics manager for NM transport logistics company. 假设你是NM运输物流公司的运输物流经理。
- Haifeng Logistics Company Limited for a professional international freight forwarders. 海丰物流有限公司为一家专业的国际货运代理公司。
- Incoming and outgoing data summary between Logistics Dep in company and Merchant’s Logistics company are in mess. 公司物流与招商物流的帐务混乱。
- The trader runs a logistics company in Juba.He has been coming back and forward to South Sudan for years. 那个商人在朱巴经营着一家后勤物资公司,所以常年都在南苏丹来回奔波。
- Is a national listed railway logistics company, a trade monopoly, and one leading to the freight line Yingkou Port. 公司是一家全国性的铁路物流类上市公司,具行业垄断优势,经营一条通往营口港的货运专线。
- A: We generally express and wind, TNT, DHL, EMS, Shentong, Yuantong, Debon transportation logistics company. 答:我们一般都是和顺风快递、TNT,DHL、EMS,申通、圆通、德邦物流等运输公司合作。
- Manage and coordinate shipment and distribution by third-party logistics company, as well as instruct its shipment and distribution plan. 管理、协调第三方物流公司的运输及配送,并对其运输、配送的方案进行指导;
- Xuzhou Eastern China Medical Logistics Center 徐州市华东医药物流中心
- Afterwards, the paper uses one of the models to solve the VSC site decision problem for Beijing CITIC Auto Logistics Company. 然后,运用模型核算物流成本,解决北京中信汽车物流公司仓储中心(VSC)选址问题。
- Air Force Medical Logistics Office 空军医学办公室
- Logistics Factoring: The difference from bank factoring is that the main body is changed from the bank to the logistics company. 物流保理:与银行保理业务的区别在于经营的主体由银行变为了为客户经营物流业务的物流企业。
- Naval Automated Medical Logistics System 海军自动医疗后勤系统