- A large, crested finch(Pyrrhuloxia sinuata) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having gray and red plumage and a short, thick bill. 灰额主红雀一种大型,有冠的雀科鸣鸟(灰额主红雀红交嘴鸟属)产于墨西哥以及美国西南部,长有灰色和红色的羽毛以及短而粗的喙
- We are one of the biggest manufacturer and exporter of the cast iron radiators in China. Our radiato... 发布者:姚宁所在地:河北衡水市行业:五金、工具职位:业务主管工作年限:一年以上
- A large, crested finch(Pyrrhuloxia sinuata)of Mexico and the southwest United States, having gray and red plumage and a short, thick bill. 灰额主红雀一种大型,有冠的雀科鸣鸟(灰额主红雀红交嘴鸟属)产于墨西哥以及美国西南部,长有灰色和红色的羽毛以及短而粗的喙
- The dominant genera and species are Merismopedia elegans, Cyclotella sp, Melosira granulata, Synedra sp, Ankistrodesmus sp, C... 根据上述结果对水质进行了评价,并对二龙山库区的水土保持及可持续性发展进行了探讨。
- The genera and species of diatoms in the samples from Tianyang and Jiudouyang vary with increasing buried depth from Melosira to StePhanodiscus, and than to Cyclotella. 九斗洋和田洋钻孔作品中硅藻种属随深度而变化,由直链藻到冠盘藻,直到小环藻。
- Wu, P. sinuata Ching & S. K. Wu、耳基宽带蕨P .
- ) DC. [Conyza laciniata Roxb.;B. sinuata auct. 拉丁植物动物矿物名 Blumea laciniata (Roxb.
- [Conyza laciniata Roxb.;B. sinuata auct. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Blumea laciniata DC.
- Melosira islandica subsp. helvetican. 岛直链藻淡黄亚种
- Melosira moniliformis var. octogonan. 念珠藻直链藻八面变种
- Melosira italica var. tenuissiman. 意大利直链藻微小变种
- Melosira italica subsp. subarctican. 意大利直链藻近北极亚种
- Melosira jüergensii var. bothnican. 朱吉直链藻波特变种
- Melosira undulata var. normanniin. 波形直链藻诺尔曼变种
- Melosira roeseana var. epidendron f. spinosan. 罗兹直链藻树表变种具刺变型
- Melosira roeseana var. xizangensisn. 罗兹直链藻西藏变种
- Melosira radiato-sinuata var. yunnanican. 辐凹直链藻云南变种
- Melosira distans var. lirata f. seriatan. 远距直链藻具脊变种刺状变型
- Melosira granulata var. angustissiman. 颗粒直链藻极狭变种
- Melosira granulata var. angustissima f. spiralisn. 颗粒直链藻极狭变种螺旋变型