- Mendelian genetics in the setting of neuropsychiatry. 神经精神医学中的孟德尔遗传学。
- With the advent of Mendelian genetics and the later discovery of DNA, Lamarck's ideas fell out of favor entirely. 随着孟德尔遗传学的出现以及后来的DNA的发现,拉马克的观点受到完全的质疑。
- Recently a series of experiments have suggested that classic Mendelian genetics is not the whole story. 最近一系列试验表明经典的孟德尔基因学说并非无懈可击。
- S.Haldane, merged Darwinian selection with a statistical understanding of Mendelian genetics. S.;霍尔丹等生物学家和统计学家将达尔文的天择融入了孟德尔遗传学的统计学解释中。
- Even if the magic trait is inherited through Mendelian genetics (which does not quite seem to be the case), this argument is flawed. 即使魔法特性是通过孟德拉遗传机制遗传的(尽管看上去并不一定如此),这种论证本身也是有漏洞的。
- Add to that the exceptions of half-bloods, Muggle-borns and Squibs and the temptation to analyze its hereditability in terms of Mendelian genetics becomes almost unbearable (for some of us anyway). 除此之外还有混血,麻瓜出身和哑炮,这更使运用孟德尔基因学理论分析遗传的努力变得几乎让人无法忍受(至少对于我们中间的某些人来说)。
- Mendelian genetics, genetic mapping techniques, and statistical analysis of large populations and their application to particular studies in behavioral genetics. 孟德尔遗传学,遗传定位技术,和大母群的统计分析及其在行为遗传学中特定研究之应用。
- after Vavilov's murder Mendelian genetics was rehabilitated; 处死瓦维洛夫之后,孟德尔遗传学说被恢复了名誉。
- One who specializes in genetics. 遗传学家在遗传学方面从事专门研究的人
- Mendelian genetics 孟德尔遗传学,孟德尔式遗传学
- The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party in 1949 declared Mendelian genetics pseudoscientific and had its advocates, like Academician Vavilov, killed in concentration camps; 1949年苏联共产党中央委员会宣布孟德尔遗传学是伪科学,并在集中营处死了孟德尔遗传学的拥护者,如瓦维洛夫院士;
- A geneticist is a specialist in genetics. 遗传学家是遗传方面的专家。
- Dr. Washington is a specialist in genetics. 华盛顿医生是遗传方面的专家。
- Chapters 2-5 are devoted to the basic concepts of Mendelian and population genetics which are of greatest concern in tree improvement. 第二到第五章介绍对于改良树木有密切关系的门德尔和群体遗传学的基本概念。
- Charaka also knew the fundamentals of genetics. 查拉卡也知道遗传学的基本原理。
- Degree in crop breeding and genetics. 大田作物遗传和育种学博士。
- Proteins - Structure Function and Genetics. 蛋白质:结构、性能和遗传学。
- Could Genetics Keep Your Hair from Going Gray? 遗传学能否帮助您防止头发变白?
- Welcome to the Department of Medical Genetics! 医学遗传学教研室!
- He holds a B.S. with honors in genetics. 他具有理学学位和遗传学方面的数项荣誉。