- Mental status schedule 精神状态检查表
- Study on Mental Status in Elderly with Diabetes. 老年糖尿病患者心理状况研究。
- Assess mental status of client and knowledge of treatment. 评估病人精神状态和对治疗的认识。
- Symptoms include altered mental status tachycardia hypotension and oliguria. 症状包括精神状态改变、心动过速、低血压和少尿。
- Hypocalcemia can present dramatically as tetany, seizures, altered mental status, or stridor. 低血钙的症状是易于发现的,如手足抽搐、癫痫发作、神志改变和喘鸣。
- The physical and mental status of subhealth students are significant worse than the CMI health status. 心理亚健康学生的身心状况已明显超出了健康界线。
- Methods HAMA, HRSD method were used to evaluate the mental status of edentulous patients. 方法应用汉密顿焦虑(HAMA)汉密顿抑郁(HRSD)量表对口腔修复患者修复前进行心理状况评定。
- Mental status was assessed in MMSE, depression in MMADD, moter function in BRSS, ADL in Barthel Index(BI) and neruodefect in its defect degree. 评定方法 抑郁状态用MMADD、认知功能用MMSE、运动功能用Brunnstrome恢复阶段、日常生活活动能力(ADL)用Barthel指数、神经功能缺损用临床神经功能缺损程度评分.
- Methods Mental status of cadets in Fundamental Flight Institute enlisted in 1991 were studied using Cornell Medical Index?health questionnaire (CMI). 方法用康奈尔健康量表(CMI)对空军基础飞行学院1991级学员进行了为期四年的心理健康状况的前瞻性研究。
- Therefore, it is important to evaluate synthetically he physical and mental status of table tennis players in their spurt during puberty. 因此综合评价青春发育突增期少儿乒乓球运动员的身心发育状况具有重要意义。
- Abstract: Objective To study the mental status and its effect on the cell immunity in the patients with o-varian cancer. 摘 要: 目的:探讨卵巢癌患者心理健康状况及其对机体细胞免疫的影响。
- Purpose:To analyze and discuss the influence of college students stress and mental status before examinations on the incidence rate of pericoronitis. 目的:分析探讨大学生考试前的应急行为和心理状态对冠周炎发病率的影响。
- The tests were the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE), Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, and Stroop Test. 包括:数字符号替换测验(DSST)、简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)、雷氏听力词汇学习测验、Stroop测验。
- The Frontal Lobe Score: part I: construction of a mental status of frontal systems Ettlin T. M., Kischka U., Beckson M., Gaggiotti M., Rauchfleisch U., Benson D. F. 前额叶评分:第一部分:前额叶系统精神状态的建立。
- Methods Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract , mental status and complications were observed between the study group and the control group,and were treated and nursed. 方法重点观察治疗组及对照组的胃肠道症状、精神状态及相关并发症,分别予以相关治疗及护理。
- Zheng S.-M., Wang S.-Q., Ma J., Kong L.-N., Sun X.-M., Li S. Mental status of myocardial infarction patients undergoing autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation. 郑淑梅,王霜秋,马静,孔令娜,孙雪梅,李双自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗心肌梗死患者心理状态调查分析
- Delirium involves a rapid alternation in mental status, attention disruption, disorganized thinking, disorientation, changes in sensation and perception, and other symptoms. 谵妄的临床表现包括精神状态、注意力不集中、思考错乱、定向力丧失、感觉及知觉能力等快速的变化。
- Concl usion The postoperative mental status and the occurence of long-term complications in digestive tract played an important roles in affecting the qua lity of life. 结论病人术后的精神状态、远期消化道并发症是影响其术后生活质量的主要因素。
- Every kinds of information were obtained, patients were evaluated, nurse care were schemed, we guide all patients accepted MRI examination at the best mental status. 为使患者能轻松地接受磁共振检查,我们在磁共振室运用各种方式,获取信息,对患者进行评估,使护理计划有的放矢进行实施,以最佳状态接受磁共振检查
- Results:Abnormal mental status,substantially decreased respiration,miotic pupils,and hypotension,even the apnea and cardiac arrest were found to be clinical characteristics. 经纳洛酮抢救后,患者呼吸恢复、神志转清,血压恢复正常,而且起效迅速,治愈率可达90。