- Meriones chengin. 郑氏沙鼠
- The Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus), having large dark eyes and a long furry tail and often kept as a pet. 蒙古沙鼠一种蒙古沙鼠(长爪沙鼠),有大而黑的眼睛及长而多毛的尾部,常被当作宠物豢养
- One message he wanted to get across: Philly and Lower Merion is always in his heart. 在交谈中科比也提到“费城和母校始终都在我的内心深处”。
- The Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus,having large dark eyes and a long furry tail and often kept as a pet. 蒙古沙鼠一种蒙古沙鼠(长爪沙鼠),有大而黑的眼睛及长而多毛的尾部,常被当作宠物豢养
- Why did they fight, why did Diomed the divine break over the head of Meriones that great brazen helmet of ten points? 为什么神圣的狄俄墨得斯把眉里奥纳巨大的青铜头盔戳上十个洞?
- Rodents population in Xi an area belong to 24 species 16 genera and 4 families. Meriones meridianus Pall is the first time being reported in the area. 西安地区啮齿动物隶属4科16属24种,其中子午沙鼠为本地区首次报道。
- The results showed this area was single desert Haloxylon mmodendron community dominated Meriones meridianus-Rhomlomys opimus-Dipus sagitta. 结果表明;该区域为单一的荒漠梭梭子午沙鼠(M .;meridianus) 大沙鼠(Rhomlomysopimus) 三趾跳鼠(Dipussagitta)群落。
- The multiple ovulation effect of Borderdale,Poll Dorset and German Mutton Merion were 100.00%,87.50%,92.86%. 超排有效率波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为100.;00%25、87
- Meriones libycus Lichtenstein is one of the main harmfull injurious insects of agricultural crops in Karamay agriculture development area. 红尾沙鼠是克拉玛依农业开发区农业生物灾害中的主要灾种之一。
- Methods Investigate the species and the amount of the fleas at body, nest, hole of the Meriones unguiculatus and the indoor fleas month by month. 方法逐月开展鼠体蚤、窝巢蚤、洞干蚤、室内游离蚤种类及数量调查。
- Objective To evaluate the efficacy of 56% aluminum phosphide tablet against Meriones unguiculatus,and provide scientific evidence for controlling rodents. 目的探讨56%25磷化铝片剂在长爪沙鼠鼠疫源地的使用价值。
- Merion said.About half of all donor livers now come from patients who died from stroke, even though risk of failure is 15% higher for their organs. 目前捐赠的肝脏中,大约一半都来自于中风死亡的捐赠者,他们的器官使移植失败的风险升高了约15%25。
- According to the site, Oscar-winner Berry's maternal grandmother was less than a year old in 1912 when she sailed on the "Merion" from the port of Liverpool, northwest England. “家谱”网站称,1912年,奥斯卡影后贝瑞的外祖母在还未满周岁时从英国西北部的利物浦港登上前往美国的“米里恩”号客船。
- Among them, Meriones meridianus was the first dominant species, Rhombomys opimus the second dominant species, Dipus sagitta the common species, and rare species were Allactaga elater, M.tamariscinus and Mus musculus. 其中子午沙鼠为主优势种;大沙鼠为次优势种;三趾跳鼠为常见种;小五趾跳鼠(Allactagaelater)、柽柳沙鼠(M .;tamariscinus)、小家鼠(Musmusculus)为罕见种;
- A total of 28 suitable biochemical markers were screened out as regular genetic monitoring for Meriones Unguiculataus, and appropriate tissue, run time and voltage of electrophoresis were determined. 结果共筛选出适合长爪沙鼠常规遗传检测的生化基因位点28个,确定了适当的电泳时间、电压和靶器官。
- Clawed jird ( Meriones unguiculatus ) 长爪沙鼠
- Mongolian Gerbil( Meriones unguictdatus ) 长爪沙鼠
- Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus ) 体脂含量
- Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus) 长爪沙鼠
- Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) 雷公藤制剂