- Merremia umbellatan. 伞花茉栾藤
- Merremia gemella (Burm. f.) Hallier f. 这也是旋花科的...菜栾藤...
- Androsace umbellata ( Lour. ) Merr. 点地梅
- Montiopsis umbellata (Ruiz & Pav.) D.I. Ford 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Merremia boisiana (Oagnep.)van Ooststr. 金钟藤
- Fermented solution, mycelial extract and cell wall of Armillaria mellea can induce the generation of active oxygen species in Grifola umbellata. 用液体发酵的蜜环菌菌丝、菌丝细胞壁及发酵液作为激发子,分别处理猪苓菌丝,均可诱导猪苓菌丝活性氧的产生。
- Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Chimaphila,especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata,having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb. 梅笠草一种鹿蹄草科梅笠草属的长青植物,特别指欧亚种类的伞形梅笠草,有白色或粉白色的簇生伞状花序。
- Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Chimaphila, especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata, having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb. 梅笠草一种鹿蹄草科梅笠草属的长青植物,特别指欧亚种类的伞形梅笠草,有白色或粉白色的簇生伞状花序
- RESULTS The sugar content was higher in the parts of Grifola umbellata sclerotium penetrated by Armillaria melea rhizomorph than that of other parts ... 结果蜜环菌侵染的猪苓菌核部位和4年生菌核糖类成分含量高于其它部分。
- Lin, there are wild black and white fungus, mushrooms, Hericium, bamboo shoots, as well as Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola umbellata, gold earrings, Araceae such as medicinal herbs. 林内有野生黑白木耳、香菇、猴头、竹笋等以及灵芝、猪苓、金耳环、天南星等药材。
- OBJECTIVE To reveal the influence of different cultivation methods on sclerotium forming from hyphae of Grifola umbellata cultivated with companion fungus. 目的阐明在伴生菌的作用下,不同栽培方法对猪苓菌丝形成菌核的影响。
- Effects of extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima,Ageratum conyzoides and Zoysia matrella on seed germination and seedling growth of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederaceawere studied through germination tests. 用牛鞭草,胜红蓟和沟叶结缕草3种植物提取液处理鱼黄草和木豆品种3号、4号种子,测定种子发芽率、苗高、根长和苗鲜重。
- The results showed that the extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima dropped the seed germination rates of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederacea and inhibited seedlings growth in general. 结果表明,牛鞭草提取液总体上对鱼黄草、木豆3号和4号产生了抑制种子发芽和幼苗生长的作用;
- The extracting solution from Zoysia matrella slightly showed the inhibition effect to Merremia hederacea and Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3) in general,but it decreased the seedling fresh weight of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.4) significantly. 沟叶结缕草提取液总体上对鱼黄草种子萌发和幼苗生长的抑制作用较小,对木豆3号稍有抑制效应,对木豆4号苗鲜重有显著抑制作用。
- Androsace umbellata Merr. 点地梅
- Any of numerous, usually twining vines of the related genera Argyreia, Calystegia, Convolvulus, Merremia, and Ipomoea, having funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that close late in the day. 牵牛花任一种番茄属的植物,通常生有孪生藤,其相关属打碗花属,旋花科和番茄属开有漏斗状的各色花朵,且在一天的晚些时候合上花瓣
- Androsace umbellata(Lour.)Merr. 点地梅
- Morinda umbellata L. 羊角藤
- Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. 牛奶子
- Merremia boisiana( Gagn. )van Ooststr 金钟藤