- The Mesozoic magmatism and polymetallic mineralization was caused by interaction between deep-derived fluids and Mesozoic multistage tectonic activities. 在此基础上,建立了区域中生代构造-流体-成岩成矿地球化学-体化系统模型。
- The results indicate that there occurred Precambrian magmatism but also Mesozoic magmatism on the southeastern margin of the North China Block in the Bengbu area. 结果表明,华北陆块东南缘不仅存在有前寒武纪岩浆活动,还广泛发育有中生代岩浆岩。
- Shao Ji'an, Liu Futian, Chen Hui, et al.Relationship between Mesozoic magmatism and subduction in Daxing' an-Yanshan area [J].Acta Geologica Sinica,2001, 75(1) :56 - 63. [5]邵济安;刘福田;陈辉;等.;大兴安岭-燕山晚中生代岩浆活动与俯冲作用关系[J]
- Paleogeographic data suggest the first occurrence of the Taihangshan gravity lineament was initially formed during the Early Cretaceous, which is coeval with the peak of Mesozoic magmatism in this region. 岩相古地理分析说明太行山重力梯度带的雏形形成于早白垩世,与华北中生代岩浆活动的高峰相吻合。
- Given the fact that Mesozoic magmatism was closely related to the lithospheric thinning, it is proposed that the diachronous lithospheric thinning is the main mechanism by which the Taihangshan gravity lineament was formed. 由于岩浆作用与岩石圈减薄作用密切相关,因此认为华北岩石圈减薄的时空不均一性是形成太行山重力梯度带的重要机制。
- The characteristics of sulfur isotopic and lead isotopic composition show that the gold deposits in this area are derived from the mantle and deep crust and are related to Mesozoic magmatism. 硫同位素和铅同位素成分显示,金来源于地幔和下地壳,与中生代的岩浆作用有关。
- Mesozoic magmatism 中生代岩浆作用
- Danba area has undergone multiperiod deformation, metamorphism and magmatism since Mesozoic time. 丹巴地区自中生代以来经历了多期的变形、变质和岩浆作用。
- Atlas of mesozoic reservoirs in ordos basin II. 鄂尔多斯盆地中生界储层图册2。
- The tectogenesis and magmatism and the relevant gold mineralization in the Yishu fa ult system in the Mesozoic period are closely relevant to the coaction of the Eurasia Plate and the Izanagi Plate. 沂沭断裂系及其邻区中生代构造岩浆活动与其相应金矿的形成均是与古太平洋各板块与欧亚大陆板块间的相互作用的结果。
- Since Mesozoic, the orogenic belt is controlled by an intracontinental orogenic process, and Mesozoic granitic magmatism, mineralization related to them are the result of craton mobilization. 中生代本区进入陆内造山作用阶段,花岗质岩浆作用及与之有关的成矿作用是克拉通活化的结果。
- Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era. 哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。
- Analysis on mesozoic basins in Badainjaran Region II. 中国巴丹吉林地区中生代盆地分析2。
- Genera diversity of ammonites during the Mesozoic the . 中生代菊石的属数变化。
- S-type granites should not be considered as the evidence of plume magmatism. 不能把S-型花岗岩作为地幔柱岩浆作用的证据。
- Anning Basin is a terringenous fault basin developed in Mesozoic Era. 云南安宁盆地为中生代陆相断陷盆地。
- The geological structures of the region is simple with only weak magmatism. 含矿岩系为蓟县系雾迷山组富镁碳酸盐岩,区域构造简单,岩浆活动微弱。
- The deposit genetically belongs to epithermal type related to magmatism. 矿床类型为与岩浆作用有关的浅成低温热液型。
- Liaohe basin is a rift basin developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 辽河盆地是中、新生代发育起来的裂谷盆地。