- Methane production potential 产甲烷潜力
- Mechanisms of Variation of Potential and Pathway of Methane Production in Mires. 沼泽产甲烷能力和途径差异的机制。
- What is the country's grain production potential? 中国的粮食生产?
- The variation in urine and methane production compensates partly for the plane of nutrition effect. 尿液和甲烷气体的变化部分地代偿了营养水平的影响。
- Fig. 1. Enteric methane production from goose during each life cycle expressed as per day per animal basis. 图1.;鹅之生命周期中肠内发酵甲烷之排放情形以每日每只表示。
- The uplands of S.E. Asia offer a presently partly unused, or inadequately used, agricultural production potential. 东南亚旱地的农业生产潜力目前有一部分尚未挖掘或未充分挖掘。
- In anaerobic toxicity assay,accumulative methane production and relative activity(RA) were used to judge the inhibition level of 2,6-DNP on methanogenic bacteria. 厌氧毒性试验(ATA)以累计产甲烷量和相对活性(RA)为指标,评价了不同浓度2,6-DNP对产甲烷菌的抑制程度;
- Parameters of rock mechanics are important for coadbed methane production and design, whose values could be attained from core trixial stress testing in lab or well logging. 岩石力学参数对煤层气的设计和开发有着重要的指导意义,其值通常是通过取心后采用实验室三轴测试或者测井方法获得。
- In this paper, biological mechanisms of methane production in ruminant and its affecting factors, strategies to reduce methane production in rumen and their prospects were review. 本文阐述了反刍动物瘤胃甲烷生成的生物学机制及影响反刍动物瘤胃甲烷生成的因素,并且产明了降低瘤胃甲烷产生的方法,最后对降低甲烷生成的前景作了展望。
- The Housing Bureau maintains a 13-year programme of flat production potential to facilitate the planning and monitoring of housing production. 房屋局实行一项13年的发展建屋潜力计划,用以规划和监察建屋情况。
- A batch anaerobic test was conducted to examine the anaerobic biodegradation of 2-nitrophenol and 2, 4-dinitrophenol through measuring accumulative methane production. 在中温厌氧消化条件下,以有机酸(乙酸与丙酸的混合酸)为共基质,通过测定甲烷累积产量,研究了2硝基酚、2,4二硝基酚的厌氧生物降解性。
- Case histories illustrate known reservoir distribution, geometry, and production potential. 个案记录例证已知油藏分布、几何图形和开采潜能。
- Methane production in 5 kinds of diets determined by IVGPT were lower than that by SF6 tracer technique and the difference was not significant except for Erect Milk vetch(P>0. 利用体内法(SF6示踪技术)和体外发酵产气法(IVGPT),研究不同方法测定内蒙古白绒山羊日粮的甲烷产生量和消化率的差异。
- The natural conditions for Chinese gallnut ( Melaphis chinensis) production in Guizhou province and the production potential are discussed. 本文对五倍子产区的自然条件和生产潜力进行了分析.
- According to the literature, sarcina is oneof the methanogen that can produce methane in high performance.The remaining of sarcina willapparently improve methane production. 根据以往的资料显示,八叠球菌是产气较好的甲烷菌之一,这种菌的驻留会使整个产气效果明显提高。
- Creasy L L, Coffee M.Phytoalexin production potential of grape berries[J].J.Am.Soc.Hortic. 樊玺;李记明.;不同种酿酒葡萄酚类物质特性研究[J]
- Production potential of each well in an oilfield or gasfield is mainly controlled by the reservoir heterogeneity. 储层非均质性是油气田地质和开发工程中经常需要解决的问题,因为它在某种程度上决定了油气田内各井的油气产能。
- Continual unbalanced fertilization practices degrade the soil resource base and create a downward spiral of less and less production potential. 长时间的不平衡施肥措施是土壤资源退化,并产生一个生产潜力越来越低的恶性循环。
- The simulation program will considerably promote the extensive use of pinnate horizontal multilateral well in China and coalbed methane production on large scale and better economical gains. 软件的应用对这一项新技术在我国的推广应用和煤层气的大规模开采能够起到重要的指导作用,并取得较好的经济效益。
- Mexia says Portugal can radically increase the production potential of both wind and hydro plants by using surplus wind energy to drive water upstream and fill hydroelectric dams. 墨西阿表示,运用这些过剩的风能将水引回上游流入水力发电大坝,葡萄牙就能够极大地提高风力发电厂和水利发电厂的生产潜力。