- Mianzhu New Year Pictures 绵竹年画
- The woodcut New Year pictures of Yangliuqing have a strong flavor of life. 杨柳青年画产于天津市郊的杨柳青镇。
- Wuqiang in Hebei, as famous as Tianjin Yangliuqing, Jiangsu Taohuawu and Sichuan Mianzhu, is the habitat of the new year picture in China. 河北武强年画与天津杨柳青,江苏桃花坞,山东潍坊,四川绵竹年画齐名,是中国的五大年画产地之一。
- The kites of Yangjiabu are a combination of woodblock New Year pictures and kite painting. 杨家埠风筝将木板年画与风筝彩绘融为一体。
- Yangliuqing New Year pictures are different from other New Year pictures, for it is Xylograph in terms of craft. 因其制作精美而成为贡品,被选送入皇宫,自此声名远播。
- Yangliuqing New Year pictures are a gem of art and loved by people both at home and abroad. 喜用寓意、装饰、象征的手法来表现主题。
- There is a most salient feature in the kites made in Yangjiabu.It's a combination of Yangjiabu's woodblock New Year pictures and kite color painting. 杨家埠的风筝有一个最突出的特点,就是将杨家埠的木板年画儿和风筝的彩绘融合在了一起。
- A lot of stuffs. Chinese mountain-water paintings, clay figurines, seals, Weifang New Year pictures, and many papercuts! 很多东西.;中国山水画
- New Year picture of Wuqiang was a kind of handcraft. 武强年画业是手工业发展的一个类型。
- The Tantou New Year pictures, as a plank watercolor block printing pictures by hand,are unique because of the particular material and technology in China's traditional folk art . 滩头年画,作为国内少见的手工木版水印年画,滩头年画以其独特的材质和精细的工艺在中国民间传统艺中独树一帜。
- Third,elucidating the vivid characters of Yangliuqing Wood New Year Picture. 三、论述了杨柳青木版年画的鲜明的艺术风格。
- Besides, you may pickchoose Yangliuqing New Year Pictures, Nirenzhang Colored SculpturesKite Wei's Kitesother typical folk arts, which will help keep a lasting memory of TianjinChina. 此外,杨柳青的年画、泥人张的彩塑、风筝魏的风筝等均是很有代表性的民间艺术,你选购,留住对天津的记忆,对中国的记忆。
- Yangjiabu woodblock New Year pictures, together with Tianjin's Yangliuqing New Year pictures and Suzhou's Taohuawu New Year pictures are known as China's top three New Year pictures. 这杨家埠的木板年画儿啊,同天津的杨柳青和苏州的桃花坞,并称为中国三大民间年画儿。
- In the meantime, the style that uses New Year picture and custom picture was adopted on arena art, in musically bold use balladry is mixed ditty. 同时,在舞台美术上采取了借用年画和风俗画的风格,在音乐上大胆使用民谣和小曲。
- If you want to widen your eyes, you can visit Ancient Culture Street, New Year Picture Factory. 如果你想开阔眼界,可以参观古文化街、年画厂。
- The process of making a Yangliuqing New Year picture has a dozen steps like plotting, craving, to name a few. 杨柳青年画不同于一般年画,在工艺上采用木板套印,全部以手工绘制而成,需经过绘图、刻板、套印、描绘、着色、糊裱等十几道工序。
- On the Door Pictures of Wuqiang New Year Pictures 漫谈武强年画中的门画
- New Year's Day is a day for family reunion. 元旦是一个亲属团聚的日子。
- On New Year's Day they were all hung over. 元旦那天他们都感到宿醉头痛。
- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。