- Morris, Meaghan.“A Review of Michel Foucault’s La Volonte de savoir”. 研读A History of Sexuality时的必备参考读物。
- One of the distinctive features of Michel Foucault's thought is the intertwining of knowledge and power. 福柯思想的一个显著特点就是,对知识与权力纠缠关系的论述。
- Michel Foucault is a great philosopher of the20 th century. The Archaeology of Knowledge is his important works. 福柯是20世纪伟大的哲学家,《知识考古学》是其重要著作。
- Published in 1984, Michel Foucault's two essays on enlightenment were a summary of his life-long cogitations. 米歇尔?福柯于1984年撰写的两篇关于启蒙的文章,是他一生思想探索的延续和总结。
- Her story of love and woe, edited by famed social constructionist Michel Foucault, sharpened his questions. 这本回忆录诉说著巴宾爱与悲的故事,是由法国著名社会建构论者傅柯(MichelFoucault)编辑出版,这让维兰更加清楚自己的问题。
- Having formerly had the good fortune to study under Michel Foucault, I retain the consciousness of an admiring and grateful disciple. 门下学习,我仍然保有一份钦敬与感恩的门徒意识。
- Michel Foucault and Henri Lefebvre found the essentiality of space and the power relations incarnated in the process of space production. 福柯和列斐伏尔发现了空间的重要性以及在空间和空间的生产中蕴含的权力关系。
- Adopting the characteristics and micro-analysis of power in modern society, Michel Foucault presents another view of social power. 摘要运用现代社会的权力特徵,并对权力作出微观分析,傅柯赋予社会权力另一种面貌。
- Dreyfus, H.L, &Rabinow, P. (1983), Michel Foucault: Beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 黄嘉雄(1994);转化社会结构的课程理论:课程社会学的观点;台湾师范大学教育学系;博士论文;未出版.
- The gathering space of the adherents of the Qing Dynasty in Shanghai Concessions during the early Republic of China is considered as heterotopias,a word coined by Michel Foucault. 清遗民在民初上海租界中的聚集空间可以视为一种福柯所谓的异质空间。
- One possible way of doing this is to interconnect Michel Foucault's theory of self-cultivation and Adorno's aesthetic theory, Foucault's concept of self-creation and Adorno's concept of the artwork. 切入此问题的一种方式在于连接法国哲学家傅柯的修养论与阿多诺美学理论,即在于傅柯自我创造说与阿多诺艺术作品理论的交错。
- The first part mainly explains the viewpoint of new historicism on history, basing on the history view of Michel Foucault, metahistory theory of Hayden White and the theory of Louis A. 怀特的元历史理论,蒙特鲁斯关于文本的历史性和历史的文本性理论作为立论基础,主要分析了新历史主义的历史观。
- The key of Michel Foucault's archaeology for humanities is to disclose the breaking-up of humanity's cognitive types in order to supply the understanding of the building of modern humanities. 摘要福柯的人文科学考古学,其关键就是要揭示出人文知识的认识型断裂,从而为现代人文知识的建构提供说明。
- This pattern of knowledge dissemination was described by Michel Foucault as the tyranny of knowledge power.Foucault believes that in a class society, power is in the hand of people who have knowledge. 这种固定的知识发布模式在哲学家米歇尔福柯看来乃是一种知识权力的专权,福柯认为,在阶级社会里,掌握知识者掌握权力。
- Michel Foucault: Pass Through the Knowledge World 福柯:穿行于知识的空间
- Truth, Power, Self: An Interview with Michel Foucault 真理·权力·自我:和福柯的一次谈话
- The Architectural Enlightenment from Michel Foucault and His "Heterotopia" 福柯及其"异托邦"对建筑学的启示
- Spatialization of Power: A Discussion of the Work of Michel Foucault 权力的空间化:米修、福寇作品的讨论
- Foucault, Michel, 1972, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Pantheon, NY. 傅柯,米歇尔,1998,《知识考古学》,谢强,马月译,三联,北京。
- Michel: You ever been to Baja? Mexico? 你去过巴哈吗?在墨西哥?