- Micrococcus fuscus 褐色微球菌, 褐色细球菌
- Other microbes included Proteus, Enterobacter, and Micrococcus species. 其他微生物包括变形杆菌、肠杆菌和微球菌。
- Asepsis scalp clip used during the operation was cultivated Micrococcus. 手术中无菌头皮夹培养出微球菌。
- Of the 86 species (subspecies), only Clarias fuscus was exogenous, and the rest were indigenous. 结合文献记录与调查表明:清水江共有鱼类4目13科57属86种(亚种),其中仅胡子鲜为外来种;
- A spherical,aerobic,gram-positive bacterium of the genus Micrococcus,usually occurring in irregular clusters. 微球菌一种球状需氧的革兰氏阳性细菌,属微球菌属,通常见于不规则群中。
- There were 5 kinds of animals infected, including not only Microtus fuscus but also herd-dog、Vulpescorsac、cat and Tibeta... 发现染疫动物5种,除青海田鼠外,还有牧犬、沙狐、家猫和藏系绵羊,染疫媒介5种。结论青海田鼠鼠疫呈连续流行态势。
- He found that irradiation of micrococcus and of murine lymphoma cells under anoxia gave fewer singlestrand breaks. 他发现,在缺氧时照射小球菌和小鼠琳巴瘤细胞产生的单链断裂较少。
- A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of usingyeast protein as a substitute for fish meal in diet of Clarias fuscus. 用不同比例的酵母蛋白替代饲料中的鱼粉,进行室内分阶段饲养胡子鲶试验。
- A spherical, aerobic, gram-positive bacterium of the genus Micrococcus, usually occurring in irregular clusters. 微球菌一种球状需氧的革兰氏阳性细菌,属微球菌属,通常见于不规则群中
- Abstract: A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of usingyeast protein as a substitute for fish meal in diet of Clarias fuscus. 文摘:用不同比例的酵母蛋白替代饲料中的鱼粉,进行室内分阶段饲养胡子鲶试验。
- Microscopic examination shows that the dominant species in the reactor are mainly Pseudomonas,and then Aeromonas,Bacillus,Micrococcus Cohn,and Nitrobacter. 镜检发现反应器中的优势菌属为假单胞菌属,其次为气单胞菌属、芽孢杆菌属、微球菌属、硝化杆菌属。
- Method Animal experimental method was adopted to observe the reactions of ochotona curzoniae of different dosage groups to yersinia pestis of microtus fuscus. 方法采用动物实验的方法,观察不同剂量组高原鼠兔对青海田鼠型鼠疫菌的反应。
- Result The Ochotona Curzoniae had high resistance and low sensitivity to yersinia pestis of microtus fuscus, and it belonged to type of lower susceptibility. 结果高原鼠兔对青海田鼠型鼠疫菌具有高抵抗性和低敏感性,属低感受性类型。
- Denitrifying bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, and Clostridium use nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration. 反硝化细菌有假单胞菌,微球菌以及梭菌。它们在厌氧呼吸中都能使用硝酸盐作为最终电子受体。
- The challenge experiments demonstrated that the virulence of Vibrio was very strong but that of Micrococcus was quite weak. 感染实验表明弧菌毒力强,球菌毒力相对弱。
- Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of Microtus fuscus plague during 2000-2004 to provide scientific bases for plague prevention and control. 目的分析2000-2004年青海田鼠鼠疫流行特点,为鼠疫防治提供科学依据。
- Many strains of bacteria had been isolated from diseased shrimps.Most of them were classified as Vibrio and Micrococcus. 自病虾体内分离出多株细菌,主要是弧菌属和微球菌属。
- The strain isolated from human case is different from those strains isolated from Microtus fuscus, and similar to the Qingzang plateau strain with strong virulence. 从鼠疫病人分离到的菌株与青海田鼠体分离的菌株明显不同,而与强毒的青藏高原型菌株相似;青海田鼠体分离的菌株与内蒙古布氏田鼠型菌株相似,与其他地区的菌株均不相同。
- Claris fuscus, Siluriformes item, Coarlidae strain, Coarlidae family, is one of the familiar fishes in the river and the pool, also is one of the breeded fishes in south of China. 胡子鲇(Clarias fuscus),属鲇形目(Siluriformes),胡子鲇科(Coarlidae),胡子鲇属,俗称本地塘角鱼,塘虱,是江河池沼中常见的鱼类,是南方主要的养殖鱼类之一。