- Micronemacheilus pulcher 美丽小条鳅
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"They came upon our squadron fast, closing in first on the Silver Barracuda. "他们很快的来到我们舰队附近,先向银色梭鱼号靠近。
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"Those that didn't die from the flames surely died from their archers. "那些没在火焰中死亡的也都死在弓箭手之手。
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"That loudmouth needs to know when to keep 'is trap shut! "那个大嘴巴该知道什麽时候闭上他的嘴!
- If it is true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion,certainly it is no marvel,though persons in years seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum autumnus pulcher. 有些老人显得很可爱,因为他们的作风优雅而美。“美人的迟暮也是美的。”
- If it is true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion, certainly it is no marvel, though persons in years seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum autumnus pulcher. 有些老人显得很可爱,因为他们的作风优雅而美。“美人的迟暮也是美的。”
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"We were out hunti... er protecting merchant vessels along the channel when all the sudden I hear the bosun yelling 'is head off, pointing past the stern of the ship. "我们正出行狩...呃在航道上保护商船,突然间我听到水手长大喊要阻止什麽,指著船尾那端。
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"A fleet?Is that what they're calling it now?Ha, no there was no fleet, just three ships.Frigates, each flying sails with an odd marking I've never seen before. "舰队?他们现在这麽说了吗?哈,不...没有到舰队,只有三艘船。
- You say to Pulcher Amandio, "What happened exactly." "到底发生了什麽事?"
- You say to Pulcher Amandio, "Please! You must tell me what happened." "拜讬!你必须要告诉我发生了什麽事。"
- You say to Pulcher Amandio, "You are indeed a lucky man! How did Captain Bloodbeak survive? Did his ship sink?" "你还真是幸运!血钩船长怎麽活下来的?他的船沉了吗?"
- You say to Pulcher Amandio, "Wait, Hal told me you witnessed the iksar attack! What happened?" "等等,哈尔告诉我你目击到伊克萨人的攻击!发生了什麽事?"
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"Fine, but only if you'll go away. I don't want to be seen speaking with anyone, got it?" "好吧,不过你必须走开。我不想被别人看到我跟谁说话,了解吗?"
- pulchrorum autumnus pulcher: for no youth can be comely but by pardon, and considering the youth, as to make up the comeliness. “美人的秋日也是美的”,如果我们不特别宽容地用青春年少来弥补他们气质优雅方面的缺陷的话,年轻人多半是难称俊美的。
- If it be true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion, certainly it is no marvel, though persons in years seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum autumnus pulcher; 有些老人显得很可爱,因为他们的作风优雅而美。“美人的迟暮也是美的。”
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"Alright, yes it's true; I was on the Dapper Prince, one of the ships escorting Captain Bloodbeak's flagship, The Red Feather." "好吧,没错这是真的。我当时在时髦王子号上,一艘属于护送血钩船长的旗舰-红羽毛号的护送舰上。"
- Pulcher Amandio\/a says to you,"That loudmouth needs to know when to keep 'is trap shut! I don't know anything. Can't a weary sailor enjoy pint by 'imself?" "那个大嘴巴该知道什麽时候闭上他的嘴!我什麽都不知道。难到一个疲倦的水手不能自个儿喝点酒?"
- Didymocarpus pulchern. 美丽长蒴苣苔
- Archips pulchern. 银黄卷蛾
- Aequidens pulchern. 蓝玉鲷(丽鱼科)