- The relevant researches not only involve some specific phonologic problems, but also reflect the social and cultural psychology of the Mid Ming Dynasty and the following periods. 相关研讨,既涉及具体的音韵学问题,也折射出明中叶以后某些具有普遍性的社会文化心理。
- Since the mid Ming Dynasty, "Chuhuang" was adopted in the circles of governments, education, trade, medicine, clans etc. in the prefecture of Huangzhou, Hubei. 摘要自明之中叶以来,湖北黄州府所属各县之政教、文艺、商贾、医药、氏族各界,往往以“楚黄”称籍贯乡里。
- CHEN Duo was a very important Sanqu writer in the mid Ming Dynasty, he developed a new vision for it: concerning marketplace character and marketplace custom. 摘要陈铎是明代中叶散曲史上一位举足轻重的大家,他开拓了明散曲的另一个新视野:关注市井人物及市井风俗。
- Hotbed and Center: Gannan's Position in Hakka Family in the South Song and Mid Ming Dynasty 温床与中枢:南宋与明中叶赣南在客家民系中的地位
- The Refugee Uprisings in Jinzhou and Xiangyang Prefectures in Mid Ming Dynasty and the Social Development of the Three Gorges Area 明中叶荆襄流民运动与三峡社会发展
- The image of Ximen Qing emerged in mid and late Ming Dynasty. 西门庆形象产生的时代背景是明代中后叶。
- Mid Ming Dynasty 明中叶
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Ming Dynasty furniture comes in many forms. 明式家具品种繁多,
- The custom took its rise from Ming dynasty. 这种风俗起源于明代。
- The city of Beijing dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 北京城的建造可追溯到明代。
- First Emperor of the Ming dynasty. 明代第一任皇帝。
- The eastern end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall? 是不是明长城东边的起点啊?
- It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 它在明朝建造的。
- How many tomb areas does the Ming Dynasty have? 明朝的皇陵共有几处?
- Yes. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 韩佳:对啊。它是在明代的时候建造的。
- Now capitation, ming Dynasty price is heavy. 今日人头税,明朝物价沉。
- Chinese Jian before Ming dynasty is quite fierce. 明以前的中国剑是相当强悍的。
- Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. 长城大部分城墙的建造时间要追溯到明朝。
- ZW: It's a Ming dynasty book of folk stories. 朱:这是一个明代话本小说。