- Military Education Level 军事教育水平
- DT>The education level represents the income. 教育程度代表收入。
- The education level represents the income. 教育程度代表收入。
- The translated books about the knowledge of Krupp gun in late Qing Dyn asty improved the level of Chinese military education. 晚清编译的克虏伯炮学书籍近二十种,对于提高晚清军事教育的水平有很大帮助。
- With or above the education level of technical scool. 中专及以上学历。
- Age and education level have more influence on TMT-B than TMT-A. 年龄与教育程度对TMT-B的影响比TMT-A更大。
- Their educational level on entry varies widely. 他们入学时的文化水平有很大的参差。
- New progress has been made in cooperation between the PLA and foreign armed forces in military education and training. 中国军队与外军在教育训练方面的合作有了新的发展。
- Women's educational level has risen further. 妇女的受教育水平进一步提高。
- Military legal knowledge has been incorporated into the military education and training of the PLA units and the curriculum of military academies and schools. 军事法制已经成为中国军队教育训练的内容和军队院校教育的课程。
- Ethnic minorities' educational level is continuously rising. 少数民族教育水平不断提高。
- But his attitudes toward overseas military education change from attentiveness to repudiation. He is also doubtful and rejective to the returned students. 但是,袁世凯对军事留学教育却经历了一个从重视到抵制、排斥的过程,对于学成归国的军事留学生也持怀疑、排斥的态度。
- The quality of postgraduate education is an important indication of education level in a unit. 研究生的培养质量是衡量一个单位教育水平的重要标志之一。
- The Citadel says it offers a traditional military education to its more than two thousand students. Thirty eight percent of its graduates choose to enter the military. 西特朵军校表示,它向在校的两千多名学员提供一个传统的军事教育。学校百分之三十八的毕业生选择从军。
- Furthermore, the people's educational level is too low. 首先是文化素质不行。
- Technology access differs widely by educational level. 对技术的接触和使用按教育水平划分,差别很大。
- People with the same educational level can also sit this exam. 同等学力的人也可以报名参加这次考试。
- These exchanges of visits have covered many fields,ranging from military education,training and management to scientific research,academic study,culture and sports,and medical care. 这些交往涉及科研、学术、军事教育、军事训练、军队管理、文化体育、医疗卫生等诸多方面。
- Of course, achieving a particular education level is not the definitive measure of someone's mental capacity. 当然,具备某种特定的教育水平并不能确定某人具有多大的智力。
- These exchanges of visits have covered many fields,ranging from scientific research,academic study to military education,training and management,culture and sports,and medical care. 这些交往涉及科研、学术、军事教育、军事训练、军队管理、文化体育、医疗卫生等诸多方面。