- Military Occupation Code 军职代码
- April 1973,India carried out military occupation on Sikkim Kingdom. 1973年4月印度对锡金实行军事佔领。
- In 1870, the Prussian military occupation of Versailles. 1870年,普鲁士军队占领凡尔赛。
- In a strict legal sense no proclamation of military occupation is necessary. 在严格的法律标准下,军事?琢觳2.;恍枰????妗
- During the Japanese military occupation of Malaya,all contacts between us were broken. 马来亚沦陷期中,音信断绝,我们自己无法知道他的一切。
- We had neither the authority nor the responsibilities implicit in a military occupation. 在占领区内,我们既无管辖权亦无责任。
- During the Japanese military occupation of Malaya, all contacts between us were broken. 马来亚沦陷期中,音信断绝,我们自己无法知道他的一切。
- It blames the Israeli military occupation and the political instability of the Palestinian authority. 报告指责以色列的军事占领及巴勒斯坦当局的政治动荡。
- Being an incident of war, military occupation confers upon the invading force the means of exercising control for the period of occupation. 基于涉及战争事务,军事佔领给予入侵军队在佔领期间执行控制领地的权力。
- What is happening is an extension of Israeli military occupation in Palestine, he added. The Palestine people will continue its resistance against Israeli invasion. 目前正在发生的事情是以色列对巴勒斯坦军事占领的延续,巴勒斯坦人民将继续抵抗以色列的侵略。
- But the invasion changed all this, and the Mafia went on to play a very prominent and well-documented role in the American military occupation of Italy. 但入侵改变了所有的这一切,黑手党在美军占领意大利的事件中扮演着卓越的,名垂青史的角色。
- In order to break it,Chairman Mao stressed the need for a swift military occupation of Guangdong,Guangxi,Yunnan,Guizhou,Sichuan,Xikang,Qinghai and Ningxia provinces,and an early occupation of the offshore islands and Taiwan. 打破封锁之道,毛主席强调从军事上迅速占领两广云贵川康青宁诸省,尽量求得早日占领沿海各岛及台湾。
- Most military occupations leave a terrible mark on the local population. 大部分军事占领都留给当地人可怕的记忆。
- However, Madrid insisted that these soldiers raised two national flags of Morocco on this tiny rocky island and that this military occupation violated the Spanish sovereignty, demanding the withdrawal of the troops. 不过马德里坚称这些士兵在该岩石小岛升起两面摩洛哥国旗,此项驻军行动侵犯西班牙主权,并要求这些士兵撤离。
- Under the US Constitution, everyone subject to its jurisdiction -- including those under US military occupation after peace treaty cession -- enjoy the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 根据美国宪法,接受美国管辖的人民,包括依照和平条约割让后的美国军事占领区,人人都享有不可剥夺生命、自由与追求幸福的权利。
- Even more unsettling are the truly huge economic numbers, especially the billion that Bush has asked Congress to appropriate for the military occupation and reconstruction effort, at a time when the federal deficit is already humongous. 而更令人不安的是真正巨大的经济数字,特别是布什要求国会为军事占领与重建伊拉克拨款870亿美元,而当今联邦政府的赤字已是巨额数字了。
- However, certain designated provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (see GC, art. 6; par 249 herein) continue to be operative, notwithstanding the termination of any antecedent hostilities, during the continuance of a military occupation. 无论如何,尽管在军事?琢炱诩湫?贾罩怪?暗奈渥俺逋唬?949年日内瓦公约中部份特定条文(GC第6条、本汇编第249段)仍持续有效。
- Sorry. I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拔错地区号码了。
- The highway code is not itself part of English law. 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。
- The Highway Code has been carried. 公路法规已经被执行。