- Military reward system 军功制度
- Many aspects of a company's reward system are quite unclear. 公司奖励制度的许多方面是很不明确的。
- Thinking of Establishing Reward System of Shenhuo CO. LTD. 构建神火集团报酬系统的思考。
- And to make it interesting, we should come up with a reward system. 为了做起来有干劲我们应该弄个奖励机制。
- Indeed this part, the VTA, is part of the brain's reward system. 准确地说来,这里腹侧背盖区是大脑奖励系统的一部分。
- Indeed this part, the VTA, is part of the brain\'s reward system. 准确地说来,这里腹侧背盖区是大脑奖励系统的一部分。
- The same neurotic reward system also applies to health. 这种从心理上找个籍口的办法也适用于人的健康状况。
- Once the battlegrounds and reward system are in, PvP will be great. 一旦战场和奖励机制的介入,玩家竞争的游戏模式以后的发展潜力是巨大的。
- Evolution produced this reward system because it increased the survival of members of our social primate species. 演化产生了这个报偿系统,因它增加了社会成员的存活率。
- The core of comprador system consisted of guarantee system, responsibility and reward system, aegis system and so on. 这些制度在20世纪前期基本成型。
- Part II is the maim part of demonstration of the Qing Dynasty's reward system, which include six aspects . 第二部分为第二至第七章,是奖赏制度的陈说部分。
- THUS FAR WE HAVE focused on drug-induced changes that relate to dopamine in the brain's reward system. 到目前为止,我们都只谈到药物在脑部报偿系统所引起、多巴胺有关的变化。
- The core part of the essay is the part in which the author redesigns the reward system. 本论文的重点章节在于薪酬体系设计部分,在薪酬体系设计时,针对不同岗位采用不同的分配模式,这是一个比较合理的方法,特别是在设计销售类岗位和研发类岗位薪酬分配模式时,设计更加细化,采用了比较科学的计算方法。
- We should reward handsomely the intellectual who make outstanding contributions, and introduce a regular reward system. 对于做出突出贡献的知识分子应给予重奖,并形成规范化的奖励制度。
- The establishment of military rewards and punishments regulation provided guarantee to improve battle effectiveness. 而军事赏罚的实行也为提高军队战斗力提供了保障。
- The assembly is a symbol of the establishment of the academician system of Academia Sinica, as well as the formation of the academic reward system. 研究表明,这次会议的举行标志着中央研究院院士制度的建立,意味着中央研究院的学术奖励体制基本形成。
- Secondly, cocaine has well documented effects on the reward system of mammal brains by influencing the levels of dopamine in the brain. 其次,可卡因通过影响哺乳动物大脑中多巴胺的水平很好地证明了其对哺乳动物大脑回报系统的效果。
- To test whether this altruistic behavior was hardwired to a reward system in the insect's brains, Robinson and his colleagues gave the honey bees cocaine. 为了测试无私心行为是否与昆虫大脑中的回报系统有联系,罗宾逊教授和他的同事给蜜蜂服用可卡因。
- Consonant chords activated the orbitofrontal area (part of the reward system) of the right hemisphere and also part of an area below the corpus callosum. 协和和弦启动了右半球额叶眼眶面皮质(报偿系统的一部份),还有胼胝体下面的部份区域。
- Although an individual may have an upright code of ethics, she can still be made to act unethically if her company's reward system gives positive reinforcement to bad behavior. 尽管个人可能会有自己的一套道德规范,但如果他所在机构的奖励体系对于不道德行为给予正面反馈的话,这个人也依然有可能采取不道德行为。