- Minako Ameku 天久美奈子,来自日本的音乐人
- Five years ago, Minako spent a night with Sozo, younger brother of her husband. 年轻貌美的奈美子(岩下志麻)跟拈花野草的丈夫离婚后,改嫁富有的花甲老翁庆太郎(三国连太郎)。
- Japan's Sega Toys Co. Ltd. has already sold 50,000 of the toys over three months since it was launched in Japan in late September, company spokeswoman Minako Sakanoue said. 日本世嘉玩具有限公司发言人坂上美奈子称,这款玩具自从在日本上市以来,三个月内已经售出五万件。
- He holds women who desire beauty captive and puts on several different daces when dealing withMurase Minako, the female owner of the place that he works at; 追求美的女性们聚集在才华洋溢的美貌青年美发师周围,他灵活地回应着女性的追求,只专注于自己野心的他终于站到了美发界的顶端。
- Minako 美奈子
- Honda Minako 本田美奈子,来自日本的音乐人