- From the viewpoint of minimizing cost and environmental protection, the utilization of LD slag as dephosphorizing agent has been studied. 基于环境保护和降低成本的需要,研究开发将转炉渣作为脱磷剂加以使用。
- The work was carried out at minimal cost. 这项工作是以最少的开销完成的。
- Most important, an updated operation plan being set to satisfy the current market, and the consequences of taking various actions are known ahead of time, minimizing cost and disruptive surprises. 最重要的是,必须事先修订运营计划以满足当前的市场需求以及了解各种措施所产生后果,这样就可以最大限度地减少成本和破坏性的意外事件。
- Production managers have always seen their job as one of minimizing costs and maximizing output. 生产经理永远认为他们的工作是一种成本最小化和输出的最大化。
- How to satisfy all demand at minimal costs? 如何花费最少的成本去满足所有的需求?
- Recommend new products, equipment or processing, which will maximize output and quality while minimizing costs, rejects, and safety problems. 新产品,设备或流程,以最大化产出和品质同时最小化成本,不合格品以及安全问题。
- It is not possible to know in advance which form will yield a minimal cost circuit. 我们不能预先知道哪种形式会得到最低成本的电路。
- The minimal cost for taking taxi // far outweighs the inconvenience // of being immobile in this vast urban area. 城区广大,交通不便,无法走动,所以出这么点钱坐出租车还是非常划得来的(上算的)。
- Chapter nine considers the minimal cost network flow problem from the simplex method point of view. 第九章从单纯形方法的观点考虑网络流问题的最小化。
- The mission of the WASP is to provide quick response surveillence and/or reconnaissance data at minimal cost. WASP的任务是验证最低花费下的快速反应调查和/或侦查数据。
- In order to minimize cost and protect environment, the BOF slag as dephosphorizing agent has been utilized. 基于环境保护和降低成本的需要,将转炉渣作为部分脱磷剂加以使用。
- For a minimal cost, you can upgrade the insulation in your exterior walls, crawlspaces, basements and attics. 要使花费更少,你可以升级外墙、地下防霉室、地下室、及阳台的隔热系统。
- During maintenance, taking care of system profit, making the most benefit of system in minimal cost. 在维护期间,往往必须考虑到系统效益,使系统在最小的成本中发挥最大的效益。
- Often we try our best to achieve the same desired result with minimal cost increase. 我们常常尽最大的努力实现同样的理想的结果以最小的成本增加。
- From the agency's perspective, advice to the public can be a useful way of inducing voluntary compliance at minimal cost. 从行政机关的角度看,向公众提供咨询是一种投入最低的引导受管理者自愿遵从规定的有益方式。
- The original code, like that from other projects at Berkeley, was available at minimal cost under a version of the BSD license. 像柏克莱大学的其他研究项目一样,它的代码使用BSD许可证。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- So the objective is to secure a given quality of supply of electrical energy with minimized cost expenditures for services (life management). 所以,本文的意图就是要在保证一定质量的电能供应同时尽量降低设备维护的成本费用(寿命管理)。