- Mining structures of Web pages 网页结构挖掘
- A test type that targets the validation of Web pages and HTTP requests. 面向网页和HTTP请求验证的测试类型。
- These rules provide Web tests a set of tools to test the content of Web pages. 命名空间包含Web测试用来测试网页的规则集。这些规则为Web测试提供测试网页内容的工具集。
- The background of web pages is white by default, like a sheet of paper. 背景色魔人是白色的,就像一张纸。
- It added the one trillionth address to the list of Web pages it knows about. 它的已访问网页名单添加了第1000000000000个地址。
- However, in the case of documents with hyperlink structures such as Web pages, it is necessary to develop a technique for representing the contents of Web pages more accurately by using the contents of their hyperlink neighboring pages. 然而,对于网页独特的超链接结构,需要有一种技术在表示网页内容的同时将与它相邻链接的网页内容考虑进去。
- CSS controls the display of Web pages by using an external style sheet rather than built-in tag behaviors. CSS利用外部的样单而不是内嵌的标志行为来控制Web页面的显示。
- The millions of Web pages out there make up an eclectic hodgepodge of information and opinion. 数以百万计的网页组成了一个信息的大杂质烩。
- Currently available Java programs are small "applets" that are available as part of Web pages. 目前能得到的Java程序都是小的应用程序(称作applet),它们是作为Web页面的一部分而获得的。
- It is also worth considering the structure of the web page hierarchy. 网页的层次结构也值得考虑。
- Increase the disk cache if you want to keep more local copies of Web pages, and keep them longer. 如果您想要保留网页的数量和时间再多一点,请增加磁盘缓存。
- Represents the display mode used for changing the layout of Web pages that contain Web Parts controls. 表示用于更改包含Web部件控件的网页布局的显示模式。
- For example, search for Mohammad will bring list of web pages in this site that contain that name. 例如,查寻Mohammad将带来包含那个名字的网页的名单在这个站点。
- Select this option to append tracing information to the bottom of Web pages on your site. 选择此选项,以将跟踪信息附加在站点上网页的底部。
- Specify how much space Opera should use to store (cache) local copies of Web pages. 指定Opera应该使用多少空间存储(缓存)网页的本地副本。
- The Fraud Protection server does not cause any delay in the opening of Web pages. 欺诈保护服务器不会对打开网页造成任何延迟。
- The administrator does not need to maintain different versions of web pages and pre-recorded sound files separately. 管理员毋须个别处理一般网页版本和预录声音档案版本。
- Analyze sentence structures of special questions. 让学生根据线索写出相关的特殊疑问句。
- The name of the mining structure to which the model will be added. 要向其中添加模型的挖掘结构的名称。
- The best protection against illicit modification of web pages is continually to monitor them. 提防网页不被非法篡改的最佳保护,便是经常监视你的网站。