- Missile Service Test Model 导弹勤务试验模型
- Guided Missiles Service Test Set 统测试装置
- Guided Missiles Service Test Station 导弹勤务试验站
- service test model 性能试验模型
- Our test model was an LT with all the conveniences. 我们测试的型号,是集所有方便于一身的LT型号。
- Move to the URL of the CustomerInfo Web service test page. 移动到的CustomerInfo Web服务测试网页URL。
- For an example of this, see Example Web Service Test Method. 有关此操作的示例,请参见Web服务测试方法示例。
- Testing model of mortar strength for concrete vess. 水泥船用砂浆强度试体试模。
- Speaking of me, I'm lanning to take the civil service test next year. 说到我,我正打算参加公职人员考试呢!
- This paper introduced a methodology of how to transform existing UML design model into UTP test model. 通过实例说明如何从UML设计模型转换为UTP测试模型的过程。
- In the process of data processing, we mostly use path analysis and quantile regression to test model. 在数据处理过程中,本文主要利用路径分析、分位数回归等统计方法对模型进行了实证检验。
- Ron : Yeah, one to be told after I've downed a couple of beers. I'm planning to take the civil service test now. 朗:是呀,这就是我几杯啤酒下肚后要说的事。现在我准备要参加公职人员考试。
- Fluid flowing barrier extends outwards continuously is a feature of pressure draw-down test model with low velocity nondarcy percolation. 流体流动边界不断向外扩展是低速非达西渗流压力降落试井模型的特点。
- Angie:Ha~ take easy and be happy! Trust me, your baby gonna bring you lots good luck! Speaking of me, I'm lanning to take the civil service test next year. 嘿~放轻松开心点!相信我,你的宝贝将带给妳许多好运的!说到我,我正打算参加公职人员考试呢!
- The results suggest: (1) This short-term test model is fairly suitable for investigating AFB_1-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. 这提示:(1)本短期模型对于AFB_1诱发肝癌方面的基础研究是适用的。
- Involving effect of AGC (Automatic Gala Control), frame detection can be taken as a hypothesis test model with unknown parameters. 考虑到接收机自动增益控制(AGC)的影响;帧检测可以看作一个含未知参数的假设检验问题.
- As with the Service Test Page, the Client Test Page has extension points which give you the ability to include your test client in this area of the wizard. 像其他服务测试页一样,客户程序测试页也有扩展点,这些会提供将测试客户程序包含到向导中的功能。
- This paper is to take the test model of a 1MW pulverized coal furnaces of four wall-tangentially-fired as the research subject. 本文以一台1MW的四墙切圆煤粉燃烧室为研究对象,对炉内的速度场以及颗粒的运动轨迹进行了计算分析。
- The result showed that the sample we prepared truly has thixotropism and the thixotropism result has correlations with the test model. 实验结果表明:UV胶印油墨具有触变性,油墨触变性的评价结果与测试模式有关。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。