- Miyazawa Hiroshi 宫泽弘(1921-),日本人,参议员。
- What is this? This is a photo of Rie Miyazawa. 这是什么?这不是宫泽理惠的照片吗?
- His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro. 他名叫广志,但人们都称他广。
- Nakayama.Demonstrated by Hiroshi Shoji [and] Motokuni Sugiura. 作者声明: Text and instructions by M.
- Itsuki Hiroshi also sings the original Japanese version very well. 很欣赏蔡琴的这个版本;不论编曲或演唱; 都非常的好.
- It is said in Miyazawa Hui Jiu is fast gets down thinly with this method, the result apositia, underwent many year treatments only then to convalesce. 这就是所谓的“生理期减肥法”,运用月经后1周,情绪较稳定,而代谢速度较快时,突击减肥。
- Speaking on a television talkshow, Kiichi Miyazawa confirmed expectations of a 2% growth rate for the first quarter of the year. 宫泽喜一在电视谈话中确认了日本经济的增长率在第一季度达到百分之二的预测。
- In an unprecedented move,Mori assigned key posts to two former prime ministers- Kiichi Miyazawa and Ryutaro Hashimoto,who both have legions of loyal followers in Parliament. 在这项史无前例的人事异动中,森喜朗将指派宫泽喜一及桥本龙太郎这两位前任首相出任重要的职务,而他们也都在国会中都拥有大批忠实的拥护者。
- Illustrators include: veteran artists such as Tadahito Nadamoto and and Hiroshi Watanabe,who is active in Shanghai. 在插画方面,主要有滩本唯人先生,和现在活跃在上海的渡边宏先生等。
- The issue of whether Miyazawa stays or not has cast shadow on the coalition government formed by Keizou Obuchi's Liberal Democratic Party and Ichiro Ozawa's Liberal Party. 宫泽的去留也使小渊惠三首相的自民党和小泽一郎的自由党的联合政府蒙上阴影。
- Hiroshi never knew his father.As a young boy his mother told him his father had died young. 这麽多年来,他一直不认识他的父亲,因为自小他的母亲便告诉他父亲早已离世。
- In an unprecedented move, Mori assigned key posts to two former prime ministers- Kiichi Miyazawa and Ryutaro Hashimoto, who both have legions of loyal followers in Parliament. 在这项史无前例的人事异动中,森喜朗将指派宫泽喜一及桥本龙太郎这两位前任首相出任重要的职务,而他们也都在国会中都拥有大批忠实的拥护者。
- Hiroshi Fujiwara is a popular Japanese musician, trendsetter, producer, and designer, born in Ise, Mie in 1964. 藤原浩,1964年出生于日本伊势湾,著名音乐人,时装设计师,被大众誉为里原宿潮流教父。
- One evening, on his way home from the office, Hiroshi is accosted by a raggedy man who claims to be his father. 一天,放工回家途中他遇到了一名衣衫褴褛的男子,坚称自己便是他的父亲。
- Kameoka H,Cheng YJ,Miyazawa M.Constituents of the essential oil from fruit of canarium album Raeusch[J].Journal of the pharmaceutical society of Japan,1976,96(3):293. 彭勃苗明三朱平生王颖芳.;橄榄解酒饮对小鼠急性酒精性肝损伤胃肠组织病理学的影响[J]
- Kiichi Miyazawa's aid package is of great importance to Thailand because last month Thailand delayed its plan to issue $500 million worth of global bonds. 宫泽喜一的拯救配套对泰国非同小可,因为泰国上个月才展延发行5亿美元全球债券的计划。
- "It was his last news conference, so he let his emotions slip," said Hiroshi Fukada, 56, a public servant. 56岁的政府公务员深田浩说:“这是他最后一次发布会,所以他表露了自己的情绪。即使是我,有时也想对别人说‘我可不像你’这样的话。”
- Hiroshi Hasegawa, from Japan, couldn't understand why British people kept his shoes on at home. 来自日本,不理解为什么英国人在家里总是穿着鞋。
- Takayuki Tsuji,Hiroshi Hattori ,“development of night vision system” , IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transporttation systems,Vol3.,NO.3,2002 . 韩宝玲,黄贞华,何炜新型汽车红外夜视系统的研究与开发计算机测量与控制2004.;12(9)
- After invoking the wrath of the fearsome Yakuza gang, club singer Hiroshi and his hotheaded friend Tsuyoshi flee to Korea. 二人虽情同兄弟,其实子优喜早已对洋暗暗倾心,只是没有机会表白。