- Mlicrococcus zymogenes [医] 产酶细球菌
- The reactor has some zymogen and acetogen, but no methanogen bacteria. 反应器中有一定量的发酵菌和产乙酸菌,但无产甲烷菌。
- Fibrinogen and cruor zymogen time should be checked before cure, under normal person unfavorable application. 治疗前应检查纤维蛋白原及凝血酶原时间,低于正常者不宜应用。
- It is assay plaque amount, consequently normal to give time of zymogen of cruor time, cruor to wait to be in limits. 因而化验血小板数目、出凝血时间、凝血酶原时间等都在正常范围。
- A relatively objective illustration was given to the distributive characters of zymogen granule in three bands of acinar cell. 参考 Barta 技术方法;提出腺泡细胞分带方法;比较客观地阐述酶原颗粒在细胞三带分布特点.
- Youli Company is the syndic unit of the Chinese Ferment Association;it is vastitude at the technologies of biological zymogen cultivation. 优利公司属中国发酵协会理事单位,在生物发酵菌种培育方面拥有多项成熟专有技术。
- In F-cells plenty of rough endoplasmic reticulum and zymogen can be observed.And in F-cell there is ACP activity at microvilli obviousely. F细胞含丰富的粗面内质网及酶原颗粒,该细胞在微绒毛处可见ACP活性,主要进行细胞外消化;
- This kind of medicaments includes activator of zymogen of dissolve of catenary kinase, make water kinase and organization fine. 此类药物包括链激酶、尿激酶及组织型纤溶酶原激活剂。
- Disease of blood of low cruor zymogen can appear when high dose of ketone of Pai of Bao of head Bao Meng Duo, head is used, need tries to notice. 头孢孟多、头孢哌酮高剂量使用时可出现低凝血酶原血症,需要加以注意。
- Electron microscopic study of the pancreatic acini in rat after exposure to radiation showed various. degrees of destruction of acini and reduced formation of zymogen granules. 4.;电镜观察表明;丙线照射后大鼠胰腺腺泡内合成及分泌酶原的内质网、线粒体等超微结构紊乱;这可能是电离辐射后胰酶活性降低的主要原因。
- E-cell has obvious ability of division.In F-cells plenty of rough endoplasmic reticulum and zymogen can be observed.And in F-cell there is ACP activity at microvilli obviousely. F细胞含丰富的粗面内质网及酶原颗粒,该细胞在微绒毛处可见ACP活性,主要进行细胞外消化;
- Of or relating to a zymogen. 酶原的酶原的,与酶原有关的
- Mlicrococcus butyri aromafaciens [医] 香酪细球菌
- Mlicrococcus coryzae contagiosae [医] 传染性鼻粘膜炎细球菌
- In the environment of body liquid,activating of zymogen,i,e.regulation of relative position of active groups in the enzyme molecular chaines is of precision of nanometer number grade. 在体液环境中,酶元的激活,即对酶分子链上各活性基团相对位置的调整之精度是纳米数量级的。
- Mlicrococcus endocarditidis rugatus [医] 皱襞心内膜炎细球菌
- Mlicrococcus flavus conjunctivae [医] 结膜黄细球菌
- Mlicrococcus flavus liquefaciens [医] 液化性黄细球菌
- aureus Mlicrococcus Pyogenes var [医] 金黄色化脓性葡萄球菌
- Mlicrococcus intracellularis meningitidis [医] 脑膜炎双球菌, 脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌