- Modern Army System 现代陆军系统
- The infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers are the arms of the modern army. 步兵、骑兵、炮兵及工兵为现代兵种。
- Answer: We are proposing a reconstruction of the government apparatus and the army system. 答:我们正在提议改造政府机构和军队制度。
- In a modern army,cavalry regiments use armored vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions. 在现代化的军队中,骑兵团使用装甲车,只有在特殊的公共节庆场合才骑马。
- The present army system of the Kuomintang is fundamentally opposed to both these principles. 现在国民党军队的制度是基本上违反这两个原则的。
- In a modern army,cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions. 在现代化的军队中,骑兵团使用装甲车,只有在特殊的公共节庆场合才骑马。
- To perform a systematic counterwork,a systematic army system needs to be constructed. 提出的思想对军队油库信息化建设有一定的指导意义。
- Even in the military realm relative consensus reigns amongst military experts regarding China’s right to develop a modern army. 即使在中国发展现代军事的权利方面,军事专家也有相对的共识。
- Modern Army Record Keeping System 现代化陆军档案保存系统
- We may know society system, army system, and political system in Turfan.And we may know plenty of information of Dang Dynasty. 通过对吐鲁番出土给粮帐的研究和分析,有助于我们了解唐代给粮制度及其发展变化。
- In view of the characteristics of modern wars,no effort will be spared to improve the modernization level of weaponry,reform and perfect the army system and setup,and improve the training of troops and curricula and teaching methods of military academies. 按照现代战争的特点,努力提高武器装备现代化建设的水平,改革和完善军队的体制编制,改进部队的训练和院校教育的内容与方法。
- The present army system of the Kuomintang is still the old one,and it is impossible to defeat Japanese imperialism with troops organized under this system. 现在国民党军队的制度还是老制度,要用这种制度的军队去战胜日本帝国主义是不可能的。
- It is essential resolutely to reform the political and army systems. 应该决心改变政治的制度和军队的制度。
- The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies. 步兵仍然是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
- It played an important role in adjusting the Civil-Military Relations, reforming army system and constructing modem army strength, removing rival principalities and accomplishing unity. 它为整合国家军政关系、改革军制、建设现代武装力量、消除地方割据、完成政治统一诸多问题发挥了重大的历史性作用。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- The infantry is/ are still an important component of the modernized armies. 步兵仍然是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
- I hear people talking in an airy way of throwing modern armies ashore here and there as if they were bales of goods to be dumped on a beach and forgotten. 我听到人们轻松地谈到把现代化部队随意送到岸上各处,仿佛他们是一捆捆的货物,扔到海滩上,就可以不再过问了。
- Before Tang Dynasty, temporary armies system were the main fortification system, they built some cities as fortification in the frontier regions. 唐前期,边防体系以行军制度为主,在边疆地区主要是修筑了一些边城作为固体的防御工事。
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分现代军队的前进的脚步声中,以色列国防军将要研制以及使用重量在35到40吨的轻型装甲车辆。