- Modern Drama Research 现代戏剧研究
- Alton has been invited to lecture about modern drama next term. 下学期奥尔顿受聘讲授现代戏剧。
- Xia Yan has been engaged in the modern drama,the screenplay creation and the film theory research for a long time. 夏衍长期从事话剧、电影剧本创作和电影理论研究。
- David has been invited to lecture about modern drama. 大卫已受聘讲授现代戏剧。
- He was invited to lecture to the Society of Arts on modern drama. 他被邀请给艺术学会做一个有关现代戏剧的报告。
- Hamlet is the outstanding play of our modern drama troupe. 《哈姆雷特》是我们话剧院的看家戏。
- A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus. 歌唱者,舞蹈者在现代剧中起与希腊合唱团相同作用的团体或演员
- The interviewee said it was his/ her first time to watch a modern drama . 这位受访者说这是他/首次观看话剧。
- Forced to join the schools Drama Research Society by upperclassmen, she gradually changes due to the influence of drama. 前进的道路是坎坷的,我们的女主人公又会如何去面对一切困难与挑战踏上人生最大的试练舞台呢?
- After 1943,the deplorable results of the Guomimdang's bifurcated modern drama policy stood ever more exposed. 94 3年以后 ,国民党话剧政策两歧性的恶果 ,便越来越多地暴露出来
- A storm-tossed ship was painted on the backdrop for the first act of the modern drama named Pirate. 名为《海盗》的话剧第1幕的背景幕布上画的是颠簸于惊涛骇浪中的一条船。
- Basically, successful modern drama translation features "sensibility", "reactivity", and "performability". 话剧翻译包括“直感性”、“诉求性”和“表演性”三个基本特性。
- It is those expressionistic techniques that make this play outstanding in history of modern drama. 正是这些表现主义手法的使用让该剧在现代戏剧史上独领风骚。
- In the arts, we must have not only modern drama but also the Shensi opera and the yangko dance. 在艺术工作方面,不但要有话剧,而且要有秦腔和秧歌。
- As "Father of modern drama" who owns enterprising spirit and opening up consciousness, Ibsen shows a special preference for symbolism. 作为具有创新精神和开拓意识的“现代戏剧之父”,易卜生对象征手法是情有独钟的。
- He before each play must arrange the modern drama to rehearse equally likely, has accomplished master's depth so earnestly. 他在每场戏之前都要像排话剧一样排练一遍,如此认真造就了大师的深度。
- But some foreign medieval drama researchers also think that the medieval drama, Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy are not related at all. 但国外一些中世纪戏剧研究者同样认为,中世纪戏剧与希腊罗马的悲剧和喜剧艺术均毫不相关。
- After discussing three issues about Lu Xun and Chinese modern drama, this paper puts forward its viewpoints and position. 摘要本文就鲁迅与话剧的三个问题进行了论述,提出了自己的看法,澄清了认识。
- However, Zhou Xinhao, director of Zhejiang Modern Drama Troupe, said they would use the opportunity of the centennial anniversary to raise interest in drama. 但是,浙江话剧团团长周信浩说,他们要利用话剧百年华诞这一良机,来提升人们对于话剧的兴趣。
- In response to the social and political needs, the emerging art of modern drama gradually integrated with the May Fourth New Cultural Movement from 1919 onwards. 自1919年开始,中国新兴戏剧与五四新文化运动相结合,回应社会和政治需要。