- Modern Urban Agriculture 都市型现代农业
- Increasingly anonymous modern urban environment. 人情日益淡薄的现代都市环境中。
- The sightseeing garden glasshouse has video monitoring system and data collecting system, which present the use of modern information technology in urban agriculture. 观光园温室安装有视频监测系统和温室数据采集系统,它是现代信息技术在都市农业中的应用。
- The film is a lugubriously paced reflection on modern urban life. 这部电影是对现代城市生活的黯然的描述。
- After entering the new century, with introduction of modern high efficiency eco-agriculture and the acceptance of new type of urban agriculture, Jiaxing's agriculture has taken on new characteristics. 进入新世纪,现代农业高效生态元素的注入,发展都市型农业理念的确立,为嘉兴农业增添了独特的魅力。
- They does account for some really antisocial tendencies in modern urban growth. 他们的确说明了在现代城市发展中实际上存在着某种破坏社会的倾向。
- From Accra, Ghana, to Hyderabad, India, groups of NGOs are working together to build urban agriculture networks. 从加纳的阿卡巴到印度的海德拉巴,非政府组织正齐心协力建造一个市区农业网络。
- Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle. 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。
- These lost in our modern urban soul sent a modicum of emotional comfort. 为我们这些迷失在现代都市中的灵魂送去了些许情感的慰籍。
- The relation between Urban Agriculture and Ecologic City is"paragenesis".It must harmonize the relation between exploring Urban Agriculture and constructing the Ecologic City,s... 发展都市农业和进行生态城市建设,必须协调好发展农业与建设生态城市的关系,坚持科学规划,突出特色。
- In a larger sense, however, they shrink to insignificance when overlaid on the modern urban battlefield. 然而,从某种意义来说,在覆盖现代城市战场方面它们的作用缩小到几乎没有意义。
- modern coastal urban agriculture 沿海都市型现代农业
- The modern urban architecture of Brasilia, capital of Brazil and situated on the Brazilian Central Plateau, is included in UNESCO list of cultural heritage sites. 巴西的首都巴西利亚位于巴西中央高原上。巴西利亚的现代城市建筑被联合国教科文组织列入人文遗产名单。
- In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。
- In the process of modern urban development, we often found ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市化的发展中,我们经常处于进退两难的境地。
- It includes summarization andanalysis of urban agricultUre development background, developmentpatterns, and experiences from the United States, France, Germany,Netherlands, Israel, JaPan, SingaPore and Taiwan as well as fromBeijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. 主要就美国、法国与德国、荷兰与以色列、日本与新加坡及台湾地区的都市农业发展背景、发展模式进行经验总结和启示分析。 还就北京以及上海、深圳等大(中)城市的都市农业发展进行总结和启示分析。
- How does urban infrastructure construction meet the needs of modern urban development? 城市基础设施建设如何适应现代化城市的发展要求?
- This paper collates the relevant literatures to deepen the cognition on Japanese urban agriculture, an urban regional agriculture and define the direction of research on future urban agriculture. 本文通过对有关文献的整理以达到深化对日本都市农业这一城市区域农业的认识,明确未来都市农业研究方向的目的。
- Ecological City will naturally become an inevitable trend of modern urban landscape. 生态城市也就自然而然地成为现代化城市景观的必然趋势。
- The commercial and pedestrian block has been the social activity and exchange center of the modern urban. 摘要现代城市商业步行街区是城市的社会活动中心和人际交往中心。