- Study on ear moisture loss rate in maize 玉米果穗脱水速率的研究
- ear moisture loss rate 果穗脱水速率
- Moisture loss rate 失水率
- 20 hybrids derived from incomplete diallel cross and their parents were used as materials to analyze the correlation between the traits of plant ear and the ear moisture loss rate of maize. 摘要以不完全双列杂交组配的20个杂交组合及其亲本为试材,分别研究了植株性状、穗部性状与玉米果穗脱水速率的相关性。
- Periodically remove and weigh the tray to determine moisture loss. 定期将托盘移出并称重以测定水分流失量。
- Squalane: Form layers of epidermis. Minimizes moisture loss to smooth corneum. 角鲨烯:在肌肤形成保护膜,防止水份流失,软化角质。
- This year the loss rate of animals has sharply declined. 今年牲畜死亡率大大下降了。
- The program simulated environment of RTT and packet loss rate measurements. NS2目前广泛采用的网络模拟软件,该程序实现了模拟环境下的RTT和丢包率的测量。-NS2 now widely used in network simulation software.
- One swipe of colour provides hydration and prevents moisture loss ensuring fresh and flawless lips. 一刷颜色提供水化并防止水份流失确保清新和完美的嘴唇。
- The Protect Polymer MCS helps protect essential lipids, prevents moisture loss and restores colour treated hair. 造型产品的配方含高份子保护膜MCS,防止头发脂质及水份流失,减少染发后色泽褪色。
- Alcohol is dehydrating to the skin, leading to excess moisture loss which can increase skin dryness. 酒精可以让皮肤脱水,导致皮肤加剧失水,而让皮肤更加的干燥。
- Higher yielding seed lots originating from the northern sources had less moisture loss and decay than southern sources the winter storage period. 高屈服种子来自北方的地段来源少、水分流失比南部来源冬季衰变储存期。
- Guaranteed QoS includes three basic parameters: packet transfer delay, packet delay variation and packet loss rate. 有保证的服务品质包含三种参数:封包传输延迟、封包延迟变异,以及封包遗失率。
- Trees are pruned before being transplanted, to reduce moisture loss through evaporation during the process of being moved. 为维持移栽后的存活率,路树需先修枝,减少移栽过程的水分蒸发。
- Avocado,macadamia and rose hip oils guard against moisture loss,improve skin elasticity and leave it feeling smooth and supple. 另外,牛油果油、夏威夷果仁油、玫瑰果油及红花籽油,可保护肌肤免受水份流失,提升肌肤弹性,令肌肤感觉柔软。
- It can be seen from comparison in simulation that it can minimum the delay, delay jitter and loss rate. 最后;通过仿真比较可以推知;该协议能最小化时延和时延抖动及丢包率.
- Moisture replenishing gel restores hydration and elasticity by preventing moisture loss and by pulling and locking in moisture. 高效保湿,让肌肤迅速补水,回复弹性,并锁紧水份。
- The mass loss rate and the ablation factor can be used to characterize the ablative properties of these materials correctly. 采用质量烧蚀率和烧蚀因子可较好地表征和比较烧蚀材料的烧蚀性能。
- Only one case had suffered abortion following amniocentesis,the fetal loss rate was 0.11%,no fetal loss case was found in cordocentesis. 羊膜腔穿刺术仅1例孕妇发生流产;胎儿丢失率为0.;11%25;脐静脉穿刺术尚未发生胎儿丢失的病例。
- In storage of pomegranate,three factors causing its post-harvest loss was: rotted,husk scald,pericarp's crimple and dehydration of edible parts because of moisture loss. 造成石榴贮藏中损失的三大原因为:腐烂、果皮褐变以及由失水引起的果皮干瘪、籽粒皱缩。