- Monogerm polyploid varieties 单胚多倍体品种
- It is extraordinarily important to select tetraploid lines for breeding sugar beet polyploid varieties. 摘要四倍体品系选育是甜菜多倍体育种不可缺少的重要环节。
- In some species there are diploid and polyploid varieties that look almost identical, though sometimes they may be referred to as separate species. 在一些同时具备二倍体和多倍体的物种中,虽然它们被认为是不同的独立物种,但它们的外形几乎是完全相同的。
- Through identification of important traits of 11 main lines for sugarbeet polyploid varieties, there were significant different among the root yield, sugar content and sugar yield. 摘要对11个多倍体甜菜品种骨干亲本的主要农艺性状进行了鉴定,发现它们在根产量、含糖率和产糖量方面差异极显著。
- Breeding of Genetic Monogerm Polyploid Sugar Beet Variety Tiandan303 甜菜遗传单粒型多倍体杂交种甜单303的选育
- Although vegetable polyploid breeding has a history of 70 years, until now only a few polyploidy varieties of watermelon, radish, cabbage and potato are used in vegetable production. 蔬菜多倍体育种已有70余年的历史,但迄今仅有西瓜、萝卜、白菜、马铃薯等少数多倍体品种在生产上推广应用。
- A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants. 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。
- The grocer's has plenty varieties of goods in stock. 杂货商有种类繁多的存货。
- Can you differentiate between the two varieties? 你能辨别这两个品种吗?
- A polyploid species;a polyploid cell. 一种多倍体物种;多倍体细胞
- Genetic analysis was conducted on genome DNAs from 15 polyploid sugarbeet varieties by RAPD markers. 摘要利用RAPD分于标记技术对15个甜菜多倍体品种进行了遗传分析。
- All varieties of goods for daily use are available. 日用百货一应俱全。
- They may endure as varieties for very long periods. 在极长时期内停留在变种阶段。
- In many varieties PVX evokes an interveinal mosaic. PVX在许多品种上表现脉间花叶。
- The varieties of policies are legion. 政策的种类是繁多的。
- European shield fern cultivated in many varieties. 养殖品种繁多的一种欧洲盾蕨。
- Initial Study on Polyploid Induction of Asclepias curassavica L. 马利筋多倍体诱导研究初报。
- Many varieties of unaccustomed foods. 多种多样、不同寻常的食物。
- The main exceptions to this are hybrid and polyploid speciation. 对于这一点,最主要的例外是杂种和多倍体物种。