- The French army in Mexico was trampling the Monroe Doctrine in the dirt. 驻墨西哥的法国军队肆意践踏“门罗主义”。
- Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine. 最近的事态表明,他的门罗主义又有一个惊人的发展。
- Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine . 最近的事态表明,他的门罗主义又有一个惊人的发展。
- I was then a strong supporter of America's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy. 那时候,我是美国门罗主义和门户开放的坚决拥护者。
- Since " Monroe Doctrine" puted forward in 1823,with power increasing, the United States extend its hegemony from America to the Pacific -Asia area to the global. 自1823年“门罗主义”提出以来,随着实力的增长,美国沿着自美洲而亚太而全球的轨迹延拓其霸权。
- Monroe Doctrine: US President James Monroe delivers a speech establishing American neutrality in future European conflicts. 1823年门罗主义:美国总统詹姆斯·门罗发表一番演讲确定美国在未来欧洲的冲突中将保持中立立场。
- I proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine in the face of the Holy Alliance, under which sixteen republics have joined the family of nations. 在门罗主义的旗帜下,十六个共和国组成了联盟,在西半球从五大湖到合恩角,到处都建立了共和国,各国都牢牢地掌握了自己的命运,维护了国家的主权。”
- The real significance of the Monroe Doctrine was shown by the slogan "America for Americans" which was the basis of American foreign policy with regard to the Western Hemisphere. 门罗教义最大的意义是表现出“美国是美国人的”这句口号,它是美国对西半球关注的政策的基础。
- The Kremlin has no more right to dictate terms to Tbilisi than Washington has to impinge upon the sovereignty of the Latin American states embraced by the Monroe Doctrine. 克里姆林宫无权对第比利斯指手画脚,正如华盛顿不该通过门罗主义侵犯拉美国家的主权。
- The Monroe Doctrine merely formalized an existing concern lest the European monarchies re-impose their authoritarian governments in this part of the world. 门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)只不过是将已经存在的忧虑写成正式文件,以免欧洲的君主政体重新将他们的专制政府强加在这一部分的世界。
- By settling Venezuela debt crisis aiming at upholding the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary , the U.S.A. managed to push European countries out of Latin America and upheld its expension there. The U.S.A. 美国通过调解委内瑞拉债务危机,在维护门罗主义的同时,又以"罗斯福推论"扩展其内涵,将欧洲国家排挤出拉丁美洲,强化了美国在拉丁美洲的势力。
- So far the United States, this new modem state, had developed no distinctive ideas of international relationship beyond the Monroe Doctrine, which protected the New World from European interference. 迄今为止,除了保护美国不受欧洲干涉的“门罗主义”,美国这个新生的现代国家并没有创立关于国际关系的独特思想。
- His corollary to the Monroe Doctrine prevented the establishment of foreign bases in the Caribbean and arrogated the sole right of intervention in Latin America to the United States. 他对门罗主义的延伸是:阻止在加勒比海建立外国的基地,并声称唯有美国才有权干涉拉丁美洲。
- The Monroe Doctrine: An ABC Guide to What Gre 门罗准则:如何当老板
- James Monroe VS The Monroe Doctrine 门罗主义和詹姆斯.;门罗
- Monroe Doctrine: An ABC Guide to What Great Bosses Do 门罗准则:如何做老板
- My favourite film stars Marilyn Monroe. 我最喜欢的电影是玛丽莲·梦露主演的。
- Marilyn Monroe had lots of oomph. 玛丽莲·梦露十分性感。
- Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine. 信奉邪教坚持这种有异议的观点或学说
- Marilyn Monroe is the most famous of all american movie queens. 玛丽莲·梦露是全美最著名的影后。