- Moriya Yoshiteru 守屋善辉(1903-),日本人,法学教授。
- Sugihara K,Moriya Y.Pelvic automatic nerve preservation for patients with rectal carcinoma[J].Cancer,1996,78(9):1871. 顾晋;李学松.;保留盆腔自主神经的直肠癌手术对男性排尿及性功能的影响[J]
- Nov. 27, 2007: Former Vice Defense Minister Moriya and his wife are arrested in connection with a bribery scandal. 日本前防卫省次官守屋武昌及其妻子由于涉及收受贿赂遭到逮捕。
- Nov. 29, 2007: Prosecutors raid the Ministry of Defense in search of evidence related to the Moriya bribery scandal. 日本检察官突袭搜索了防卫省以寻找与守屋收贿丑闻的相关证据。
- Moriya K,Yotsuyanagi H,Shintani Y,et al.Hepatitis C virus core protein induces hepatic steatosis in transgen icmice.J Gen Virol,1997;78:1527. 李莉;成军;李梵.;慢性丙型病毒性肝炎脂肪变的临床与病理学特点
- "The footprints were about 20 centimetres (eight inches) long and looked like a human's," Yoshiteru Takahashi, the leader of the Yeti Project Japan, told reporters in Kathmandu on Monday. 日本一个探险小组日前称,他们发现了传说中的“雪人”的脚印。据说“雪人”活动在尼泊尔和西藏的喜马拉雅山一带。
- Dzyloshinskii - Moriya interactions Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya作用
- Notable geographic features include the [[Youkai Mountain]] with communities of [[kappa]] at its base, [[tengu]] at its peak, and the [[Moriya Shrine]] near a lake at the top; 幻想乡着名的地理特色包括:山脚居住着[[河童]]、峰顶居住着[[天狗]]、在近顶端的湖泊旁坐落着[[守矢神社]]的妖怪之山;
- Tsuchiya Yoshiteru 土屋佳照(1926-),日本人,官员。
- Yamaguchi Yoshiteru 山口吉晖(1921-),日本人,官员。
- Kogane Yoshiteru 小金义照(1898-1984),日本人,官员。
- Yamada Yoshiteru 山田善照(1926-),日本人,海军军官。
- Sakamoto Yoshiteru 坂本好辉(1916-),日本人,实业家。
- Suzuki Yoshiteru 铃木善照(1909-),日本人,实业家。
- Koyama Moriya 小山森也(1930-),日本人,官员。
- Moriya Yūichi 守屋友一(1932-),日本人,经济学者。
- Tamura Yoshiteru 田村义辉(1903-),日本人,学生滑雪联盟会长。
- Uekusa Yoshiteru 上草义辉(1939-),日本人,众议员。
- Moriya Kiichirō 森谷喜一郎(1905-),日本人,经济学教授。
- Moriya Kenji 守屋谦二(1898-1972),日本人,美术史专家。