- The Reform Act of 1832 was very important in British history. 1832年的选举修正法案在英国历史上有重大意义。
- When 1988 Education Reform Act came into effect, there appear some new problems in British teacher education. 《1988年教育法》颁布之后,英国的教师教育出现了一些新情况,新问题。
- There was widespread dissatisfaction with the Reform Act of 1832 and the New Poor Law. 1832年的《改革法案》和《新贫困法》引起了普遍不满。
- A large portion of our bonds are "grandfaered" under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which means they are fully tax-exempt. 大部分的债券是属于1986年税务改革法案中祖父级的债券,他们享有百分之百免税的优惠。
- A large portion of our bonds are "grandfathered" under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which means they are fully tax-exempt. 大部分的债券是属于1986年税务改革法案中祖父级的债券,他们享有百分之百免税的优惠。
- Hope that through this case, the defendant notices and more people from the legal level of awareness of many of the housing reform act is a crime. 希望通过本案,告示被告人以及更多的人能从法律层面上认识到多占房改房的行为是犯罪行为。
- A limitation of the amount an investor can claim on his incomes taxes as a result of losses from real estate investments, under the Tax Reform Act of 1986. 根据1986年税务改革法,一个投资者可以在所得税中申报的房地产损失限额。
- The steps of Patent Reform Act and international cooperation are increased obviously, and the dispute on the patentability among the academia is continuous. 专利法案改革与专利制度国际合作步伐加快,可专利性主题的扩张引起的学术争论仍在继续。
- We can clearly dialyze the historical process from a series of important bills: Warnock Report, the 1981 Education Act, the 1988 Education Reform Act and "the Code of Practice", and etc. 从华诺克报告、1981年教育法、1988年教育改革法以及“特殊教育需要鉴定与评估实施章程”等一系列重要的法律、法案中可以清晰地透析英国发展全纳教育的历史进程。
- Senator Patty Murray,D-Wash Bush,who campaigned as a less-government-is-good-government Republican,is so convinced of this that he is pressing Congress to add money to promote marriage in a bill that reauthorizes the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. 作为一名共和党人,布什在竞选总统的时候就强调“政府管的少就是管的好”。为了贯彻这一点,他积极要求国会重新批准1996年出台的《福利改革法案》,并增加拨款来鼓励婚姻。
- The taxes that insurance companies pay-which increased materially, though on a delayed basis, upon enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 - took a further turn for the worse at the end of 1987. 去年在年报中详述刚通过的税负改革法案,使得保险公司支付的税负以递延渐进的形式大幅增加,这种情况在1987年更加恶化,
- In the United States, you have today created a law, the Telecommunications Reform Act, which repudiates your own Constitution and insults the dreams of Jefferson, Washington, Mill, Madison, DeToqueville, and Brandeis. 在美国,你们颁布了《通讯改革法案》,这个法律否定了你们自己的宪法,辱没了杰斐逊、盛顿、尔、迪逊、克维尔、兰代斯的梦想。
- Following the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the base of the corporate income taxwas broadened but the top rate was slashed by 12 percentage points, from 46% to34%, the biggest cut since the tax was introduced in 1909. 1986年税务体制改革法案扩大了公司税税基,同时把最高税率调低了12个百分点,从46%25降至34%25,这是1909年开征公司税后最大幅度的调整。
- A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms. 一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Legislatures often act in a negatory manner. 立法机关常采取消极行动。
- Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要作许多改革。
- Senator Patty Murray, D-Wash Bush, who campaigned as a less-government-is-good-government Republican, is so convinced of this that he is pressing Congress to add money to promote marriage in a bill that reauthorizes the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. 作为一名共和党人,布什在竞选总统的时候就强调"政府管的少就是管的好"。 为了贯彻这一点,他积极要求国会重新批准1996年出台的《福利改革法案》,并增加拨款来鼓励婚姻。
- Minto spamming racist slander in real life. 74 个新帖 (共 74 个) Br.
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。