- Morphine Methyl Ether 可待因, 甲基吗啡[镇咳药, 镇痛药]
- Codeine has the same structure as morphine, but the phenol group is masked as a methyl ether. 可待因也有和吗啡相同的结构,但是酚基被甲基醚屏蔽了,结果。
- In this paper, the cedrol methyl ether was synthesized by sodamide method. 本文采用氨基钠法合成甲基柏木醚。
- Methanol, ethanol and glycolic methyl ether as precursor solvent of boric acid. 对上述体系中不同的先驱体及溶剂进行交叉实验。
- Researches in propanediol methyl ether synthesis catalysts were reviewed in this paper. 综述了丙二醇甲醚合成催化剂研究的最新进展。
- Gelatin ; IPN ; Hydrogel ; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks ; Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate. 英文关键词:明胶;水胶;网路互穿结构;聚乙二醇甲基丙烯酸
- The kinetics of tertamyl methyl ether(TAME) synthesis using C5 fraction of FCC gasoline was studied. 摘要研究了FCC汽油中C5馏分合成甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)的宏观动力学。
- They are capping products of allyl poly-alkoxyl methyl ether and aliphatic alcohol ether alkyl or epoxy. 本系列产品为烯丙基聚烷氧基甲基醚化封端产品及脂肪族醇醚的烷基或环氧基封端产品,提高了聚醚改性硅油的质量。
- Methods After treatment of amino acids with 2,4 dinitrofluorobenzene(DNFB) excessive DNFB was removed by extraction with tert bultyl methyl ether. 方法 氨基酸与2 ,4 二硝基氟苯衍生化反应完成后 ,用 10ml叔丁基甲醚抽提 2次 ,每次 5ml,以除去多余衍生化试剂。
- Original producing o(p) -nitrophenyl methyl ether methods are batch process with long cycle, high energy consumption and low efficiency. 生产邻(对)硝基苯甲醚的传统方法都是间歇法操作,周期长、能耗高、效率低。
- Synthesis of methyl ether was studied. This new route gave better yield (84.8%). It is a feasible way for the synthesis of methyl ether type perfumery. 采用了一种新方法来合成甲基醚;收率达84.;8%25;其方法简单;工艺要求不高;为甲基醚型香料合成;找到了一种可行的途径;具有研究开发价值
- A certain reference value was indicated in this experiment for industry synthesis of cedrol methyl ether by sodamide method. 本实验对甲基柏木醚氨基钠法工业化生产具有一定的参考价值。
- The title resin has been prepared by Friedel-Crafts acylation followed by bromination and amination.The method avoids the utilization of cancerogenic chloromethyl methyl ether. 通过付氏酰基化反应引入乙酰基,接着溴化、胺化,得到标题树脂。该法避免了使用氯甲醚。
- The fir essential oil was extracted from fir root by steam distillation method, from which cedrol was extracted, and then, cedrol methyl ether was synthesized based on cedrol. 以杉木根为原料通过水蒸气蒸馏法提取杉木精油,从杉木根精油中精制提取柏木脑,再以柏木脑为原料合成甲基柏木醚。
- The etherification of isoamylenes and methanol to form tert ayl methyl ether (TAME) by benzl-sulfonic acid cation exchange resin as catalyst, was sudied. 研究了苯磺酸型树脂催化的异戊烯和甲醇的醚化,考查了温度、醇烯比和空速对反应的影响。
- Bromobenzenesulfonyl chloride was obtained from 2 bromothiophenol via coupling with chloromethyl methyl ether,oxidation chlorination by chlorine water to give 76% yield of the title compound. 以邻溴苯硫酚为原料,经与氯甲基甲醚缩合、氯气水氧化氯化得到邻溴苯磺酰氯,总收率达76%25。
- The n-butyl methacrylate-PEG comb polymer was synthesized by n-butyl methacrylate(BMA) and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate(POEM) with AIBN as initiator and tetrahydrofuran as solvent. 以偶氮双异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂,四氢呋喃为溶剂,采用甲基丙烯酸正丁酯(BMA)与聚乙二醇单甲醚甲基丙烯酸酯(POEM)共聚制备了支链上含聚乙二醇(PEG)的梳形共聚物。
- Biocompatible and multifunctional comblike polymer(PMAO-PEGME) was synthesized by(using) poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether as the side chain,poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene) as the backbone. 以聚乙二醇单甲醚(PEGME)为侧链,马来酸酐/1-十八碳烯交替共聚物(PMAO)为骨架,制备出具有生物相容性的多功能梳状聚合物(PMAO-PEGME)。
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds. 一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。