- How can you get rid of this oxide coating? 你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- A mixture of black manganese oxide minerals. 硬锰矿一种黑色氧化锰矿的混合物
- A gaseous anesthetic, such as nitrous oxide. 气体麻醉剂一种气态的麻醉剂,如一氧化二氮。
- Morphine Oxide 氧化吗啡[镇痛药]
- The prostitute was hopped up with morphine. 那个妓女在吗啡的作用下昏昏沉沉。
- He died of an overdose of morphine. 他死于服用过量吗啡。
- In the absence of heat, I think, no oxide coating should form during rolling. 在无加热的条件下,我想,轧制过程中不会生成鳞皮吧!
- Also, I believe he is asking for morphine. 同样,我相信他要些吗啡。
- An oxide containing three oxygen atoms per molecule. 三氧化物每个分子中含有三个氧原子的氧化物
- Extra morphine doses failed to relieve her pain. 临时增加吗啡的剂量没有缓解她的疼痛。
- The morphine was keeping her asleep. 吗啡使她处于睡眠状态。
- The morphine didn't seem to help her pain. 吗啡似乎没能帮她减轻疼痛。
- They were groggy from the morphine. 他们由于吗啡作用而昏头昏脑。
- Meperidine is a drug similar to morphine. 度冷丁是一种类似吗啡的药物。
- What will happen to this oxide coating? 该怎么处理这一层氧化皮呢?
- Occasionally red lead is added to the leady oxide. 有时将铅丹加到铅粉中。
- The amount of morphin for oral was decreasing. 硫酸吗啡控释片的用量日益减少;
- The nitride on oxide layers remains intact. 氧化物表层上面的氮化物保持原状不动。
- The detector tube is filled with nitric oxide. 检测管中充满了氧化氮。