- Moscow一字以M字母开头.'Moscow' starts with (an) M/'M'.
- 印度兵变期间(1957)美军被包围。the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857).
- 《边城》(编导:谢晓咏[1957--]、王端仪[1946--]、王小元[1955--];"The Remote Town"was choreographed by Xie Xiaoyong (1957- ), Wang Duanyi (1946- ) and Wang Xiaoyuan (1955- ).
- 诺尔曼,约翰·冯1903-1957匈牙利裔美国数学家,他致力于研究过程论和控制论,并有相当贡献Hungarian-born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 在1957-1958年,参加国际地球物理年科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year, 1957-58, began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land.
- 在1957--1958年,参加国际地球物理年的科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year, 1957-58, began to unlock the secrets of this desolate lands.
- 诺尔曼,约翰 冯1903-1957匈牙利裔美国数学家,他致力于研究过程论和控制论,并有相当贡献Hungarian - born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 朗缪尔,欧文1881-1957美国化学家,以其在表面化学方面的工作而获得1932年的诺贝尔奖American chemist. He won a1932 Nobel Prize for his work in surface chemistry.
- 番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.1754)是一种世界性经济作物,在蔬菜供应中占有举足轻重的地位(Warnock 1988,Atherton 1989,沈德绪1957)。Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miii. 1754) is world economic crop and has important place in vegetable production (Warnock 1988, Atherton 1989, Dexu Shen 1957).