- Some medicines used to treat other problems can cause movement disorders similar to Parkinson's disease. 但是有其他一些形式的帕金森氏综合症。
- Tremors, myoclonus, cranial-nerve palsies, and movement disorders also occur, although seizures are unusual. 震颤、肌阵挛、颅神经麻痹以及运动紊乱也可发生,但癫痫样发作不常见。
- Progressive lower extremity weakness, sensory abnormalities, movement disorders, or sometimes with urine incontinence. 进行性双下肢无力,感觉异常,动作失调或伴大小便有时失禁。
- Anti-basal Ganglia Antibodies: A Possible Diagnostic Utility in Idiopathic Movement Disorders? 抗基底节抗体:诊断特发性运动障碍的新方法?
- Dyspraxia is a movement disorder. 运动障碍是一种运动功能的紊乱。
- Epileptic seizures presenting as motor phenomena without concomitant conscious change may be confused with one of the paroxysmal movement disorders. 摘要癫痫发作的表现若以运动现象为主且不伴随意识障碍,则有时会与阵发性动作障碍混淆。
- The dopamine D_2 partial agonist is expected to reduce the positive symptoms of schizophrenia without producing movement disorders or elevated prolactin levels. 它可以改善精神分裂症阳性症状,而不引起运动障碍和催乳素增高,很少引起锥体外系反应。
- In the surgery, physicians create lesions in either one or both subthalamic nuclei, deep-brain structures that, in Parkinson's, trigger movement disorders. 在这项手术中,医生将帕金森氏症患者单边或双侧的视丘下核加以破坏,那是脑中深处引起病患动作失常的构造。
- Results:The manifestations of antidepressant withdrawal syndrome included thought, morale, behaviour, movement disorders, sleep disturbances, and cardiac arrhythmia. 结果:抗抑郁剂撤药反应多表现为思维、情绪、行为、运动、感觉、睡眠障碍;是否发生撤药反应与抗抑郁药的半衰期、活性代谢产物有关;
- Parkinson's patients were also less likely to take cholesterol-lowering drugs than people without the disease, said the study, which was published online Dec.15 in the journal Movement Disorders. 发表在12月15日《运动失调杂志》上的一篇文章称,帕金森病患者病患者同样比没患此病的人更少服用降胆固醇药。
- The distinction between epilepsy and movement disorders is further confused by the reports that these two conditions frequently occur in the same families or even in the same patients. 另外,有些研究报告指出癫痫与动作障碍常合并出现在家族中不同的成员或甚至同一个病人身上,使得这两种情境的区分更加混淆。
- Recent studies show that a few epilepsy and paroxysmal movement disorders are "channelopathies", indicating that they may share some common pathophysiology and a possible "overlap". 最近的一些研究也指出某些癫痫与阵发性动作障碍是因为离子通道的病变所造成,这也代表他们可能有共通的病态生理机制及部分的重叠性。
- Rubral tremor is a rare movement disorder that occurs typically with midbrain damage. 摘要红核颤抖症是一种少见的运动疾患,它的发生通常和中脑的病变有关。
- Akathisia is a movement disorder characterized by a sense of restlessness and increased motor activity.Movement disorders are primarily an iatrogenic result of mediation use. 摘要 随著企业间竞争日趋激烈,为了使来自不同领域之员工能于合作时产生最大效益,企业皆体认团队合作已经成为永续的竞争优势。
- Long-term chronic use, however, is associated with tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder. 但是,长期服用会导致迟缓性运动障碍。
- All cases showed impaired vision, proptosis ocular movement disorder and higher intraorbital pressure. 均有不同程度的视力下降、眼球突出、眼球运动障碍及眶压升高。
- Sleep - Related Movement Disorders 与睡眠相关的运动障碍性疾病
- Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. 老年疾病通长都不是起于外因的。
- The doctors point to other people who have similar problems and do not develop a movement disorder such as Parkinson's disease. 医生的根据是那些拥有相似问题而没有造成类似帕金森氏综合症行动不便的人们。
- The announcement led to violent civil disorders. 这项宣布引起了剧烈的内乱。