- Mungo's emblem is a wand and a bone, crossed. 圣芒戈的徽章:一跟魔杖与骨头组成的十字。
- Mungos mungon. 非洲獴
- Mungo...never kill a customer. Oh, the wound! The wound! -Revenge! Revenge! 蒙哥...绝不要杀死客户。哦,创伤!创伤!-报仇!报仇!
- Though Nilz succeeded, Mungo was able to free the doctor and steal the cure. 药剂研发成功,但芒戈解救了尼尔兹,拿走了药剂。
- The only wizarding hospital we know of,St. Mungo's is located behind the facade of Purge and Dowse, Ltd.in London. 我们所知的唯一一所巫师医院;人们从伦敦的淘淘百货公司的正面进入圣芒戈.
- At this point, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo, Khan has profusely successor. 此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。
- At this time, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo, Kublai Khan has succeeded sweat. 此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。
- Mungo's tried to discover what potions he had been given and how to counteract them. Mungo来的医生想要查出他到底是中了哪些魔药,如何处理这些。
- A cutting of Devil's Snare, passed off as a potted plant (Flitterbloom), was used to murder Broderick Bode in St. Mungo's. 一枝魔鬼网,伪装成盆栽的植物(蟹爪兰),被用来谋杀在圣芒戈住院的布罗德里克·博德。
- Ledyard, the great New England traveler, and Mungo Park, the Scotch one; of all men ,they possessed the least assurance in the parlor. 那个新英格兰的大旅行家勒特耶特,和那个苏格兰的孟果·派克,他们在会客厅里远没有别人那样悠然自得。
- Ledyard, the great.New England traveler, and Mungo Park, the Scotch one; of all men ,they possessed the least assurance in the parlor. 那个新英格兰的大旅行家勒特耶特,和那个苏格兰的孟果·派克,他们在会客厅里远没有别人那样悠然自得。
- But the personnel changes after two years, Mark - David Shi and Mungo - Lynndie gradually to address the people's concerns. 不过此次人事变动后的两年里,马克-施姆格和大卫-林迪渐渐释去了人们的疑虑。
- "Our neighbourhood was destroyed by the lava," said Mungo, 37."My house was burnt, I don't know where we're going to go. 蒙戈说:"我们家附近都已经被火山喷发的熔岩夷为平地了,我们家的房子也被烧毁了,我现在不知道该往哪里去。"
- Volcano, Muhimo's ninth child, now has no home to go to.Two of his brothers were lost in the flight from Goma, and Mungo said her husband is still looking for them. 蒙戈说:"我们家附近都已经被火山喷发的熔岩夷为平地了,我们家的房子也被烧毁了,我现在不知道该往哪里去。"
- In exchange for the cure and the location of the fabled Roonstone treasure, Koong would return Mungo's captured starship and promise never to harm the people of Umboo again. 如果孔想获得药剂和传说中鲁恩石宝藏的位置,他就必须把俘获的“轻快帆船号”还给芒高,并且许诺再也不迫害温布人民。
- Mungo's are trained and equipped to treat a wide variety of [url="http://www.hp-lexicon.org/magic/medical.html"]magic-related illnesses and injuries[/url]. 在圣芒戈工作的人员必须经过训练,广泛掌握与魔法医药与伤病有关的知识。
- Compared with data of stratigraphy, paleontology, 230Th and 14C dating, it is suggested that the 5 polarity events could be compared with Gothenburg, Mungo, Laschamp, Blake and BiwaC events. 结合地层、古生物资料,~(230)Th及~(14)C年代测定,推断这些极性事件可分别与哥德堡、蒙哥、拉尚、布莱克、琵琶湖C事件对比。
- St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries 圣芒枸魔法疾病和伤害医院
- Purification and enzymatic characterization of a chitinase from Phaseolus mungo 绿豆几丁质酶的纯化和酶学性质分析
- Additional audio commentary by cast members Mungo McKay, Dirk Hunter and Emma Randall 新增演员们蒙哥·麦克凯,德克·亨特和艾玛·兰德尔评论音轨