- The single Y chromosome of Muntiacus reevesi and Y1,Y2 ,X+4,1 chromosome of Muntiacus crinifrons were obtained by flow-sorting ,then they were amplified through DOP-PCR . 以流式细胞仪分离小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)Y染色体和黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)Y1,Y2,X+4和1号染色体,利用DOP-PCR技术富集了分离的各单条染色体。
- Reeves' s muntjac ( Muntiacus reevesi) 生境选择
- Sequence and Organization of Muntiacus reevesi mitochondrial Genome 小麂线粒体基因组全序列的测定和分析
- A Preliminary Observation on Behavior and Activity Circadian Rhythms of Muntiacus reevesi in Captivity 圈养黄麂春季行为及活动规律的初步观察
- Muntiacus reevesin. 小麂
- Any of several small deer of the genus Muntiacus of southeast Asia and the East Indies. 麂东南亚和东印度群岛的一种黄麂属的小型鹿
- Sika deer(cervus nippon),subordinated toartiodactyla,cervidae,muntiacus , is a kind of ruminated mammal. 梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)隶属偶蹄目、鹿科、鹿属,是反刍哺乳动物。
- As positive control, the DNA of muscle and skins of Muntiacus crinifrons were extracted and amplified respectively. 同时提取黑麂肌肉和皮毛样品的DNA作为对照。
- The phylogenetic tree of the potassium channel gene suggests that Muntiacus crinifrons is original, and the basal split separates Muntiacus and Elaphodus. 尤其当我们把钾通道蛋白基因的内含子单独构建进化树时,更能真实地反映麂亚科动物间的进化关系。
- The nuclearted divergence of the SRY region was 0.79%-1.90% among three species of Muntiacus, 3.02%-3.97% between Elaphodus and three species of Muntiacus. 麂属动物间的序列差异为0.;79%25-1
- The systematic study of artiodactyls from the Jinpendong Paleolithic Site,Wuhu, Anhui Province,shows six identified species:Sus lydekkeri,Cervus(Sika) nippon,Cervus(Sika) grayi,Cervus elaphus,Muntiacus sp.and Bison cf. 经对2002年与2004年出土于安徽芜湖金盆洞遗址的偶蹄类所做的深入研究;金盆洞遗址的偶蹄类有6个种:李氏野猪(Sus lydekkeri)、梅花鹿(Cervus(Sika)nippon)、葛氏斑鹿(Cervus(Sika)grayi)、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)、麂未定种(Muntiacussp.;)
- Cloning and Sequencing of Sry Gene of Muntiacus 小麂Sry基因的克隆和测序
- Black Muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) 黑麂
- Black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons ) 黑麂
- black muntjac( Muntiacus crinifrons ) 黑麂
- Food habit of Indian muntjac Muntiacus muntjak at Hainan Island, China 海南大田国家级自然保护区赤麂的食性
- Sequence and organization of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesi 乌龟线粒体全基因组序列和结构分析
- REPRODUCTION OF THE CHINESE BLACK MUNTJAC (Muntiacus crinifrons Sclater ) 黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons Sclater)的繁殖
- Keywords Muntiacus crinifrons;mitochondrial genome;phylogenetic tree; 关键词黑麂;线粒体基因组;种系进化树;
- MtDNA Sequences Variability of Munliacus reevesi, M. Muntjak and M. Crinifrons as well as the Related Phylogenetic Relationship 小麂、赤麂、黑麂mtDNA序列变异性及反映的进化关系