- Not all Muslim women are veiled. 并不是所有的回教妇女都带面罩。
- Muslim woman: Do I look like a terrorist? 穆斯林妇女:我看上去像恐怖分子吗?
- A case in point would be my personal experience as a Muslim woman. 我本身的经历便是一个很好的例子。
- Muslim women should draw their veils over their bosoms. 回教的女人应该拉在他们的胸部上的他们面纱。
- Most Moslem women wear veils in public places. 大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。
- Muslim women newsreaders appear on television swathed in scarves. 穆斯林教的女新闻播音员在电视上露面时,会用丝巾遮住面容。
- The first one was that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man. 第一个阻碍是伊斯兰教的女子只能嫁伊斯兰教的男子。
- Muslim women picket the French Embassy in London to protest about a ban against wearing the hijab. 穆斯林妇女在法国在伦敦的大使馆外示威,抗议限制戴盖头的禁令。
- Most Moslem women wear veilsin public places. 大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。
- She was also presented with two black abayas -- full-length Islamic robes and veils worn by Muslim women. 此外,卡米拉还收到两套黑色的“阿巴雅”。“阿巴雅”是一种全身伊斯兰长袍,配有面纱,是穆斯林妇女的传统服装。
- In addition, treating all Muslim women's problems as monolithically attributable to their religion is a cul-de-sac. 此外,把所有穆斯林女性的问题都一概归咎于她们的信仰是行不通的。
- In fact, there is wisdom behind this heavenly command of hijab and behind Muslim women's challenge to wear it. 事实上,戴盖头的神圣命令和穆斯林女性戴盖头的所遇到的挑战的背后深含哲理。
- A group called the Canadian Muslim Women Committee organized a conference for Saturday in Montreal to mark International Hijab Day. 一个称为加拿大穆斯林妇女委员会的团体在蒙特利尔于星期六组织了一次会议纪念国际盖头日。
- Since 911, the headscarf worn by Muslim women has made them easy targets for hate crimes worldwide, even though interest in Islam as a religion has picked up. 九一一后,回教徒妇女因为穿戴头巾,使她们在世界各地成为明显的报复目标。
- Besides, the India women ,especially the Muslim women, seldom go out in the public, they do not want to intercourse or shake hands with stranger. 另外,印度妇女尤其是穆斯林女子,因受闺阁制度影响,甚少抛头露面,她们不与陌生人随便交往,也不和异性握手。
- A group of Muslim women gather near the Dome of the Rock to observe the last Friday of Ramadan, the Islamic month of prayer, fasting, and charity. 一群穆斯林妇女集中在巨石之顶上庆祝斋月的最后一个星期五。斋月是伊斯兰祈祷者们封斋、特别仁慈的月份。
- A veil worn by Moslem women to cover the face in public. 面纱穆斯林妇女在公共场合所戴的遮面纱
- Muslim women, heavily swathed in black or white cloaks, their eyes barely visible through mesh peepholes, dart among the crowds. 穆斯林妇女全身严严实实地裹着白色或玄色长袍,只有一双眼睛从织网式的窥视孔里露了出来,她们在人群中行色匆匆。
- When people look at Muslim women who wear a headscarf, usually they only notice the headscarf as being different than Western-style clothing. 当人们看到戴头巾的穆斯林女性,通常他们只会注意到不同于西方时尚服饰的盖头。
- We must put a stop to the wrong preaching and the brainwashing that goes on isolating Muslim women from the rest of the world. 我们必须制止那些继续将穆斯林妇女与周围世界孤立起来的错误说教和洗脑。