- Must you be so indefinite? 你必须这样模糊吗?
- Everybody else accepts the decision. Why must you be so bloody-minded? 别人都同意这个决议,你为甚麽偏要故意刁难?
- Everybody else accepts the decision.Why must you be so bloody-minded? 别人都同意这个决议,你为甚麽偏要故意刁难
- must you be so indefinite?; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal. 你非要如此含糊吗?;乱七八糟的颜色污渍的边缘模糊、不明确;他是不会如此含糊的答复建议的。
- Don't you be so fucking formal with me. 别你他妈的对我这么一本正经了。
- Why must you always be so doubtful ? It really upsets me ! 为什么你总是疑神疑鬼的?我实在是有点心烦意乱了!
- How could you be so stupid as to believe him? 你怎么这么笨竟相信他的话?
- Why should you be so interested in my affairs? 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣?
- Must you be for I pay paying taxes to your reward? 你必须为我付给你的报酬而交税吗?
- May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 可否冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
- On no condition must you be late. 在任何情况下都不能迟到。
- Ignorant as a schoolmaster must you be called. 笑君出此言,寡闻道释书。
- Must you be such a skunk in front of my friends? 你非得在我朋友面前显得这么讨厌吗?
- Why must you be so stubborn? 为什么你偏要这么固执?
- Would you be so good as to lock the door when you leave? 你离开时请把门锁上行吗?
- You are so romantic. You must be a Sagittarius. 你真浪漫。你肯定是人马座的。
- How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend? 你怎么能这么不通人情,还自称是我的朋友?
- Would you be so kind as to lend me some money? 你能借我一点儿钱吗?
- Who can reason with you when you are so contrary? 你这么执拗的时候,谁能和你理论?
- How can you be so stupid as to believe him? 你怎么这么笨,竟相信他的话?