- My Granddal Jack the Ripper 开膛手杰克
- Is there not a point where a doctor should hand Jack the Ripper over to the police and a lawyer refuse to suppress the bloodstained evidence that proves his client a torturer? 难道医生就不应该将杀人者杰克(残害妇女的凶犯)送交警察,律师就不应该拒绝掩盖血迹斑斑的罪证,出来指证他的当事人是残害他人的凶手吗?
- Jack the Ripper died a long time ago, didn't he? 我手足无措了,凶手杰克不是死了很久了吗?
- One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper. “开膛手”杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。
- No doubt jack the ripper excuse himself on the grounds that it is human nature. 很可能,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性(所使然)为理由来替自己辩解的。
- The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper. 他的衣服还有手中的匕首都清楚地出现在我面前,刹那间往事浮现在我脑海里。
- There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper. 没有出现女性的莫扎特音乐天才,那是因为没有女性的吹笛人来拐诱天真的小孩。
- No doubt Jack the ripper excuse himself on the grounds that it were human nature. 很可能,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性(所使然)为理由来替自己辩解的。
- No doubt Jack the ripper excuses himself on the grounds that it is human nature. 很可能,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性(所使然)为理由来替自己辩解的。
- In late Victorian London, Jack the Ripper has been killing and maiming actresses in the night. 在维多利亚女王时代后期的伦敦,开膛手杰克于夜里把女演员杀死和弄残废。
- She showed me a newspaper article about a guy who had been going around dressed as Jack the Ripper and killing girls. 我问她都发生了什么事情,母亲给我看报纸上的一篇报道,讲一个人自称是凶手杰克的孙子,故意打扮得像是杰克并杀害年轻的女孩。
- When you think of Jack the Ripper, you think of a psychopathic serial killer right? 当你觉得杰克开膛手,你想一个心理变态连环杀手吗?
- No doubt Jack the ripper excused himself on the grounds that it was human nature. 很可能,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性为理由来替自己辩解的。
- A killer who believes he is a descendant of Jack the Ripper is terrorizing Los Angeles by killing "cyber-whores" he finds on the Internet. 沉鱼,落雁,闭月,羞花。
- Its dark imagery and forboding tone pervasively detail the struggle to survive not only Jack the Ripper, but also the degradation and hellish squalor4 of 19th-century London. 片中幽暗的影像和预言式的风格,详细深入地描述了人们在杀人狂杰克的魔掌下,在19世纪伦敦堕落和地狱般的悲惨景况下挣扎求生。
- The notorious unidentified serial killer Jack the Ripper was believed to kill and mutilate prostitutes in the Whitechapel area of London during the late summer and autumn of 1888. 臭名昭著的开膛手杰克曾于1888年夏末和秋天在伦敦白教堂附近残杀了很多妓女。
- I asked Susan to sew up the rip in my sleeve. 我拜托苏珊把我袖子上的裂口缝好了。
- She sewed up the rip in his sleeve. 她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。
- The boss and his secretary bell gave Jack the raspberry today. 今天老板和他的秘书两人对杰克咂舌砸唇的。
- Was it Jack the ripper? 那是杀人狂杰克吗?