- My Music Book list Item 新建音乐列表所有音乐
- I forgot to bring my music book. 我忘记了带我的乐谱。
- A lot has happened since my last dairy entry: my music book, "In the Name of Heroes", a whole slew of awards ceremonies in Hong Kong, and new commercial for eyeglasses in Taiwan, and lots and lots of concert preparation. 在我的上一篇周记之后,真的发生了很多很多事情:我的音乐书、电影《拳神传说》、一堆香港的颁奖典礼、台湾的眼镜代言新广告、以及许许多多的演唱会准备工作。
- Press ENTER to add the next list item. 按Enter添加下一个列表项。
- Called when a list item is data bound. 对某个列表项进行数据绑定时调用。
- I can't play because I have lost my music. 我不能演奏了,因为我把乐谱丢了。
- How do I mark up the content of each list item? 我要怎样提高清单项目里物品的价格?
- Please send the music book to the pianist. 请把这份乐谱送给的那位钢琴家。
- First of all, you make out a book list. 首先,你得开一张书单。
- What is the book list for the course? 有本课程的书目吗?
- My music teacher sings nice songs. 我的音乐老师唱歌很好听。
- Also how to upload my music show? 另外录的练习成果如何上传?
- My music shows ye have your closes. 我的音乐表明你们也有终止。
- Gets or sets the data item to which the list item is bound. 获取或设置列表项绑定到的数据项。
- Gets the value of the key field for the selected data list item. 获取所选择的数据列表项的键字段的值。
- Andrews Music Book, the Old Hall Manuscript and Egerton Manuscript. 英国的手稿有:the Worcester Fragments; the Old St.
- A table cell, an image, a list item - anything can be a link. 表的单元格、图片、列表项等等都可以是链接。
- That man that you run into in my family is my music teacher. 你在我家遇到的那个人是我的音乐教师。
- Note: White space is treated as the list item separator! 注意:空格符将作为列表项的分隔符!
- My music bar has recently turned out a popular hangout. 我的那个音乐酒吧近来成了受欢迎的去处。