- Myosotis sparsifloran. 稀花勿忘草
- Any of various plants of the genus Myosotis, such as the forget-me-not. 勿忘草属任一种紫草科属植物,如勿忘我草
- Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis,having clusters of small blue flowers. 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝花
- Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis, having clusters of small blue flowers. 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝花
- Any of about 50 species of plants that make up the genus Myosotis, in the borage family, native to temperate Eurasia and North America and to mountains of the Old World tropics. 紫草科勿忘草属约50种植物。
- Liparis sparsiflora Aver. 疏花羊耳蒜
- ex Baker et More[Myosotis Pdluncularis Trev.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Trigonotis peduncularis Benth.
- ) Benth.ex Baker et More[Myosotis Pdluncularis Trev.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Trigonotis peduncularis (Trev.
- any of various plants of the genus Myosotis,such as the forget-me-not 任一种紫草科属植物,如勿忘我草
- , germination as promoted by burial (e. g.Artemisia halodendron), restrained by burial (e. g.A. sieversiana and unchanged after burial (e. g.Lappula myosotis). 对于新采种子和埋藏l年种子萌发率间相差10%25以下的物种,可根据萌发格局将植物种分为3类:埋藏促进型(如差巴嘎蒿)、埋藏抑制型(如大籽蒿)和埋藏不变型(如鹤虱)。
- Ser. Sparsifloran. 散花唐松草系
- Carex sparsifloran. 少花薹草
- Neillia sparsifloran. 疏花绣线梅
- Vase with Myosotis and Peonies 花瓶里的勿忘我和牡丹
- Myosotis silvatican. 勿忘草
- Lappula myosotisn. 鹤虱
- Myosotis bothriospermoidesn. 承德勿忘草
- Myosotis caespitosan. 湿地勿忘草
- myosotisn. 勿忘我草;勿忘我属植物