- Nanoporous platinum electrode 纳米多孔铂电极
- This unit features a 1mV digital resolution and a platinum electrode. 该仪器的数字分辨率为1毫安,带一个铂电极。
- Glucose oxidase(GOD) has been absorbed to silver nanoparticle mixed with polyvinyl butyral(PVB),which were assembled onto the surface of a platinum electrode. 用聚乙烯醇缩丁醛将葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)和纳米银固定于铂丝电极上并采用萘酚绿B作为电子媒介制得了新型葡萄糖酶生物传感器。
- The transient response signals of platinum electrode to uncoupled ions Cu 2+ or Ag + are measured by active step method. 用活度阶梯变化法测量了铂电极对Cu2 +、Ag+的瞬时响应信号为单峰类型 ,并且在一定浓度范围呈Nernst关系。
- Molybdates were reduced to adsorbed hydrogen molybdenum bronzes on platinum electrode in H 2SO 4 solution during potential sweep cathodically. 钼酸盐在铂电极上硫酸溶液中还原形成钼青铜,吸附在电极表面,铂电极因钼酸盐的还原和钼青铜的氧化而得到修饰。
- ERNST H,KNOLL M.Electrochemical characterisation of uric acid and ascorbic acid at a platinum electrode[J].Anal Chim Acta,2001,449(1 -2):129-134. 李建平舒柏崇等.;铂微粒修饰固体石蜡碳糊电极对过氧化氢的电催化及分析应用[J]
- In this paper,the conductorial polyanliline on the platinum electrode is produced by constant potential eleotrolyte approach. 研究了在给定氧化还原电位下,聚苯胺膜修饰电极对硝酸根离子的响应电流随硝酸根离子浓度的变化关系。
- Salmonella pullorum antibody was successfully modified on the platinum electrode surface to fabricate the label-free immunosensor by embed technology with gelatin as matrix. 摘要以明胶作为载体,采用包埋技术成功地将鸡白痢抗体修饰于电极表面,制成非标记型鸡白痢免疫传感器。
- The doped polyaniline (PANI) films with different thickness electrodeposited on flat platinum electrode surface have been studied by confocal Raman spectroscopy. 摘要显微共焦拉曼技术被用来研究电化学合成的聚苯胺(PANI)膜。
- Glucose oxidase (GOx) had been adsorbed to colloidal gold sols combined with polyvinyl butyral (PVB), which were immobilized onto the surface of a platinum electrode. 用金纳米颗粒吸附葡萄糖氧化酶 ;采用聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)为辅助固酶膜基质将其固定在铂金电极的表面 .;在待测的葡萄糖溶液中加入萘酚绿作为电子媒介体;制成葡萄糖生物传感器
- Bacterial ferritin from Azotobacter vinelandii can directly and quickly pick reduction electrons from a metal platinum electrode or provide electrons to it. 棕色固氮菌细菌铁蛋白能直接快速地从金属铂电极上得到电子或提供电子给铂电极。
- The reductive stripping potentiometric analysis of lead in the presence of potassi-um ferrocyanide as reducing agent on platinum electrode has been investigated. 研究了以亚铁氰化钾为还原剂铅在铂电极上的还原电位溶出法;
- The electrochemical behavior of the methanol oxidation on the platinum electrode with different concentration H2SO4 solution was studied by using cycl ic voltammetry. 用循环伏安法研究在不同酸度的硫酸钠溶液中,甲醇在铂电极上氧化的电化学行为。
- Through its electron tunnelling, liver Ferritin of Dasyatis Akajei(DALF) directly picked the reduction electrons up from the platinum electrode for releasing iron. 魟鱼肝脏铁蛋白(Liver Ferritin of Dasyatis Akajei, DALF)利用自身的电子隧道直接从铂金电极上获得还原电子且用于释放铁反应。
- The results suggested that ethanol was oxidized to CO2 on the roughened platinum electrode via parallel reaction mechanism in acidic, neutral or alkaline media. 可以推测; 不论在酸性、中性还是碱性介质中; 乙醇在粗糙铂电极上的氧化过程均按双途径机理进行.
- Having platinum electrode (PtE) as the substrate polypyrrole (PPy) coated with different taste sensitives modifying agent PVC membrane, 8 taste sensors are acquired which then constitute arrays- 8-PPP-TSA, together with model 217 double salt bridge SCE. 以铂工作电极(PtE)为基底聚合吡咯(PPy),并在聚吡咯表面被覆不同味敏剂修饰的PVC薄膜,得到八支味觉传感器,并进而与217型双盐桥饱和甘汞电极构成味觉传感器阵列-8-PPP-TSA。
- The electrode process of isosafrole oxidized on platinum electrode in the solvent containing methanol has been studied by cyclic voltammetry method and ro-tating ring-disk electrode method. 用循环伏安法与旋转环盘电极在研究了含甲醇溶剂中异黄樟油素在铂电极上氧化的电极过程,提出了生成胡椒醛的电极反应步骤。
- A method for preparing parallel dual microwire platinum electrodes is presented. 本文首次报道了平行双铂丝微电极的制作方法。
- It is shown that the platinum electrodes undergoing the special roughening procedures exhibit a weak SERS effect with an enhancementfactor of 10 to 1. 如何获得较高质量的表面拉曼诺并较合理地估算铂电极的表面增强因子,是判断钻电极是否具有SERS效应的关键。
- Inside the liquid were threadlike clumps of mouse neurons, which were wired to platinum electrodes and covered with a white, pearlescent substance called myelin. 每个细胞团里都有铂金电极,覆盖着神经细胞团的是一种白色的物质,人们称它为髓磷脂。