- Therefore Naruse mikio's films have heavy Japanese race taste, they have become the effect emollient to spread Japanese culture. 因此成濑巳喜男的影片有着浓郁的日本民族风味,成为传播日本文化的有力载体。
- Naruse Mikio 成濑己喜男(1905-69),日本人,导演。
- Commemorable first scene was the scene where Ryo Naruse, played by Ohno-kun, is sitting at the bench at the law court. 值得纪念的一幕,是从大野君饰演的成濑领坐在法院审判庭的一幕开始。
- Ohno H,Naruse H,Kihara M,Shimada A.Industrial Applications of the BOTDR Optical Fiber Strain Sensor[J].Optical fiber Technlilgy,2001(1). 郝玉启;靳慧深.;树脂锚杆高强度防松螺母的研制[J]
- Still unreached by missionaries, the 11,790 polytheistic Naru and the 11,650 animistic Daizhan live in spiritual darkness. 790位迷信多神的纳儒人和11,650位迷信精灵的带占人没有听过福音,仍活在黑暗的属灵光景中。
- by Mikio Hirabayashi &mixi, Inc. 这应该是不需要介绍的一组.
- Naruse: A Master of the Japanese Cinema by Audie Bock 成濑巳喜男:日本电影大师
- 9Y Suga,M Narus ,T Tkiwa .Application of neural network to visual sensing of welding and automatic tracking in robot welding in the world,1994,34:225-282 10黄石生,李迪,宋永伦.;焊接过程的神经网络建模及控制研究
- Naruse Gosaku 成濑悟策(1924-),日本人,心理学家。
- Naru 纳鲁
- Naruse 成濑
- narus mortus 死产
- Hiramatsu Mikio 平松干夫(1903-),日本人,英国文学专家。
- Naruse Yoshihide 成濑喜英
- Kuga Mikio 久我干生
- Ciocǎnaru 乔克纳鲁
- Gǎitǎnaru 格伊特纳鲁
- Oda Mikio 织田干雄
- Sugiyama Mikio 杉山干夫(1927-),日本人,《岐阜日日新闻》社长。
- Grînaru 格勒纳鲁