- National Savings bonds 国家储蓄债券
- 4.5% National Savings bonds 年利四分五厘的国家储蓄券
- national savings bond 国民储蓄公债
- Tom's parents gave him a savings bond for his marriage. 汤姆的父母亲给他储蓄公债做为他的结婚礼物。
- Us Savings bonds,and our TIAA-CREF retirement savings assets. 5. 5.;我们房子的评估报告,以及贷款余额的信息。
- Gross national savings as a percent of GNP in East Asia averaged more than 30% from 1981 to 1990. 在一九八一至一九九零年期间,东亚地区的国民储蓄总值平均为国民生产总值的30%25以上。
- Interest-bearing U. S. government savings bonds are also available and widely used. 有利息的美国政府债券,也广泛使用。
- I suggest that investing in National Savings Certificates will make best use of your money. 我认为,购买国家储蓄存款能充分利用你们的奖金。
- But we encourage customers not to buy Savings Bonds unless they are reasonably sure they can hold them until matuity . 但是,我们希望顾客们十分确信有把握直到期满才支取存款,再来购买储蓄债券。
- That sounds very nice. But what if I have to cash in the Savings Bond before maturity? 听起来真不错,但是如果我不得不提前兑现储蓄债券怎么办?
- The tricks of economic growth and development, therefore, are simply a matter of increasing national savings and investment. 因此,经济增长与经济发展的诀窍不过是增加国民储蓄和投资的问题。
- It is enough to make anyone but the most committed investor run back to the more familiar territory of GICs and Canada Savings Bonds. 它能够使最忠实的投资者重返比较熟悉的GIC和加拿大储蓄债券领域。
- By investing in only the "safe and familiar" such as GICs and Canada Savings Bonds, you run the risk of shortchanging yourself over the long term. 只投资于“安全的和熟悉的”诸如GICs和加拿大储蓄债券,你管理的风险从长期来看会欺骗自己。
- Most of our clothes and photos are ruined, even our safe - the sadr with Mary's old dairies, the boys' savings bonds, what little jewelry we had... all gone. 我们大部分的衣服和照片毁掉,甚至我们的安全-萨德尔与玛丽的旧牛奶场,男生的储蓄债券,小饰品什么我们...都不见了。
- The subject of national saving is one I've come back to over and over again. 国民储蓄这个主题我已反复想了多次。
- Given their huge stockpile of national savings from the oil boom years, plus plenty of continued income despite the drop in oil prices, Kuwaitis can probably afford to go on bickering anyway. 得益于这些年石油盛产,国民储蓄有着巨大的储存量,再加上大量的持续的收入,尽管油价下跌,科威特人终究还是能够继续吵一吵。
- Bank tellers may also sell savings bonds, accept payment for customers' utility bills and charge cards, process necessary paperwork for certificates of deposit and sell travelers' checks. 银行出纳员还可以出售储蓄债券、接受客户的公用事业帐单和签帐卡的支付,处理存款单所必需的文书工作和出售旅行支票。
- Almost half said a healthy bank balance is more significant than physical attractiveness in a potential partner, according to National Savings &Investments‘ (NS&I) latest quarterly savings survey. 英国全国储蓄与投资的最新季度储蓄调查显示,近一半的英国女性表现,男人有钱比长的帅来得实际。
- In Kenya, co-operatives are responsible for 45% of the GDP and 31% of national savings and deposits. They have 70% of the coffee market, 76% dairy, 90% pyrethrum, and 95% of cotton. 在肯尼亚,合作社对GDP的贡献达到45%25,承担了31%25的国民存款和储蓄,占有咖啡市场的70%25,奶产品市场的76%25,除虫菊市场的90%25,棉花市场的95%25。