- National and Space Museum 国家航空航天博物馆
- In 1972, Lopez became the Assistant Director for Aeronautics at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D. 1972年,洛佩斯在位于华盛顿的国家航天航空博物馆担任航空学助理。
- From 1996-1997, the Admiral assumed the position of Ramsey Fellow at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. 1996年到1997年,米勒中将在位于华盛顿的史密森国家航空航天博物馆里承担了拉姆齐伙伴的位置。
- "The ISS is the largest ever experiment in international technological cooperation," said John Logsdon, a historian at the National Air and Space Museum in US. “它是人类开辟新领域过程中的一块垫脚石,”国际空间站“是人类向太空进军的第一步,它不是终点,而是前进过程中的重要一步。”
- "The ISS is the largest ever experiment in international technological cooperation," said John Logsdon, a historian at the National Air and Space Museum in US. 美国国家航空航天博物馆的历史学家约翰罗格斯顿说:“国际空间站是国际科学技术合作领域的一项规模空前的实验。”
- Produced by Graeme Ferguson of IMAX Space Technology Inc., for the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum and Lockheed Corporation, with the cooperation of NASA. 本片由IMAX空间技术部的葛拉梅福格森,史密森学会的国家空间博物馆和洛克西德公司制作,美国国家航空航天局协助制作。
- The national Air and Space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond. 国家航空航天博物馆展示了美国在飞行和宇宙探索方面取得的成就,从莱特兄弟的第一架双翼飞机到阿波罗号登月任务以及其他。
- In 1976 the the West German Chancellor Schmidt presented the Carl Zeiss Oberkochen Mark IV Planetarium projector to the National Air and Space Museum "Einstein Planetarium" in Washington, D. 1976年时任西德总理的施密特,出席了美国华盛顿国家空天博物馆中,“爱因斯坦天文馆”内的西蔡产马克四型天文天象仪的落成仪式。
- Garber Facility in Suitland, Md., under Amanda Young's careful watch are just some of the stars of her new book, "Spacesuits: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Collection. 马里兰州的Suitland的服装设施,在阿曼达.;杨的仔细监管下就像她新书中的一些明星,“太空衣:Smithsonian国际太空博物馆的收藏。”
- Today, you can see the Wright airplane when you visit the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. 今天,在华盛顿特区史密斯苏聂(Smithsonian's)航空航天博物馆,你可以看到怀特的飞机,
- Today, the Wright brothers' first airplane hangs in the Air and Space Museum in Washington. 今天,赖特兄弟的第一架飞机悬挂在华盛顿航空博物馆里。
- The years also witnessed the dedication of the Hong Kong Space Museum to the promotion of astronomy and space sciences among the public. 与此同时,香港太空馆亦不断默默耕耘,致力向市民推广天文及太空科学知识。
- Air France hands Concorde Sierra Delta over to the Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget.On Saturday 14 June 2003 at 10 am, Air France Concorde F-BTSD will take... 在星期六,6月14日,2003年上午10时,法航协和式的F - BTSD起飞从巴黎戴高乐机场最后一次方向的布尔歇。
- Hold both national and local press conferences. 举办全国性和地区性新闻发布会。
- She is national and celestial beauty. 她是国色天香。
- The philosopher speculated about time and space. 这位哲学家在思索时间和空间问题。
- Dual function design saves money and space. 二合一设计可节省成本及空间。
- We visited the Space Museum three days ago. 我们三天前参观了航天博物馆。
- A desert is a beautiful land of silence and space. 沙漠是一片美丽的大地,沉寂、辽阔。
- National and provincial assemblies would be dissolved the next day. 而国会与省议会将于翌日解散。